ducket- you are obviously an unbeliver
Torn between being Gay and the Truth.........
by ScoobySnax 98 Replies latest jw friends
real one
YOU GO GURL!!!!!!!!
where is she going?
ducket- you are obviously an unbeliver
As Little John says "What!?". You mean I don't believe the things that you believe in.
real one
As Little John says "What!?". You mean I don't believe the things that you believe in. Correct. I believe in the Bible, God's word -
real one
correct, I believe in the Bible God's word
Borowing Little John's voice one more 'gin. What??!!
Edited to say: Dammmit, Mrs. D. You said "Li'l John" now I gotta go dance. As soon as I hear "what??!!" it's just ON!
Real one, why do you fly into these 'gay' threads like a seagull, and crap your beliefs all over our screens? Just go to a gay bar, hook up and get it out of your system.
scooby, I feel empathy for you, you feel trapped. Only you can get yourself out of this trap. There is so much information available as to be overwhelming, but when you prove to yourself that the JW are false, the trap will dissapear. Awareness and knowledge are the keys to dissolving the trap of the 'Truth'. scooby, please take care of yourself, or you could end up crazy like realone. j/k
Just like I thought, a lesbian seagull.
Dark Unc,
Some people just don't get it. I'm afraid Scooby has been ran off his own thread.
Hey Dinah! What up!? I think Scooby got information overload. It seems that he's getting a lot of PM's. He just needs to get away from the computer and chill or play some easy word game or something that relaxes him.
It took me 18 years to see the light. To free my mind of that heavy yoke!