Real One.....thanks for that, but NO thanks.
Torn between being Gay and the Truth.........
by ScoobySnax 98 Replies latest jw friends
real one
Thats ok..the Bible says that many will reject the truth..that is your the way the truth is Jesus Christ
I'm sure you mean well. And thankyou. But. well just that. Be Good.
Sometimes I envy you all that can just shut that side down that you once were, ie: JW. I can't.
Once, long ago I learned that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny did not exist. I didn't need to shut down any part of myself to accept that. Accepting that the JW concept of "truth" was false was no different. No part of me "shut down". Rather, it grew. Holding on to watchtower teachings only inhibits you from becoming the best person you can be. W
FF....I'm sure when comparing easter bunnies and santa you found an escape. I don't really see them as the same. To me , I don't see that has really anything to do with everything I learnt growing up. I knew from the start all that. I can't compare the same.
It takes time to let it go................for some a long time
When we first faded away in '97, I tried to keep one foot in, still read my Bible and went to Bible discussion groups with other ex JW's, but it was not satisfying at all. I liked the camaraderie, but it was like going to meetings, and I hated that part. The longer I was out of the organization, the more I realized the JW's have nothing.............absolutely NOTHING.
You will know that too one day. Be easy on yourself and give yourself more time. It might be good to read some books that could help. Steve Hassan's books on Cult Mind Control were very helpful to me. We all were victims of that mind control...........they are good at controlling.
My husband was a very prominent elder and I was a regular pioneer, so we were INVOLVED. All of our children were JW's.............but not for long. It wasn't easy to walk away, but you have to be true to who you are. That's what we did, because we knew it wasn't the truth. (somehow we have avoided being disfellowshipped)
You are gay, so you left, and I know it wasn't easy for you to leave, but be kind to yourself. You did the right thing. They will never accept you. It's sad but so true.
Oh for God's sake, Real One, do the world (and in particular this site) and stay off the gay threads will you.. you're a bigot who likes to stir up shit with us gays, and it's getting tiresome. Take your gay-bible-freethinking-bashing away from this thread.
Scoobs. Yep, being a gay witness it lousy. Forever being told that one day we'll grow up and marry a nice bro/sis and reading all about the terrible things that went on in the days of Lot.
Coming out (in both ways) was a release in every possible way. Bite the bullet. -
real one
faundy you can take your satonic crap trying to feel peoples heads with lies and misleading them from Christ Jesus. This site is for anyone to make a comment on, and the last time i checked you dont run it
The universe is here for YOU, everything around you is specifically for you, if its painful then its a lesson you need to learn. Pain is given to us to show us not to go there again, that its bad for us. When you cut yourself and it hurts its to tell you to not put your fingers in the way of knives.
What you call the "truth" is obviously not YOUR truth in YOUR universe, though it may well be the truth of others. It hurts you, stay away from it. Find your own truth and be at peace.
Scooby this is one of the things that made me turn my head: "Why would God send the wrong light?" He's God he ought to know better! So if it isn't God's will, who's will is it? If the Witnesses are getting light from God, he sure likes to play some strange games!
And further more if the Witnesses do have "the truth", we're all screwed! Can you believe that a brother made a blooper in a talk and said "screwed up"!?