A nasty boy? LOL. Maybe. I still love Jehovah though.
Torn between being Gay and the Truth.........
by ScoobySnax 98 Replies latest jw friends
Sometimes I envy you all that can just shut that side down that you once were, ie: JW. I can't.
From what I can tell Scooby, The truth is you're gay.
As far as turning off the JW switch, I dont think it's a switch it's more like an acceptance that at least the JWs do not have it right. They offer nothing but rotten fruit. Find your own 'truth' or maybe in the end it don't matter. (no pun intended ).
what if it really is the Truth
I still have trouble with that thought every now and then, its hard to shake!
Scooby, so far I cant shut it off completey....sometimes it is non stop as in obsessive thoughts......but funny, today after having this problem a lot through the night I had a Dove single chocolate....they are wrapped in foil with a message on the inside...mine said........"Dont think about it so much!" Great damn advice from a chocolate wrapper eh?..........oompa
Here's a good movie on Gays and Xtianity...
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3354468412843068366&hl=en -
Why would a truly loving creator - in whose image we are all apparently made - make you gay and then punish you for being the way he made you? Does that scenario make any sense to you at all?
Do you consider being born gay an "imperfection" that needs to be overcome and wrestled with? Are you hoping that the New Systemâ„¢ is going to fix you and make you heterosexual?
Moreover, are you really happy having to deny yourself intimate companionship in order to satisfy the requirements of being a JW?
What if everything the WTS has taught you is untrue and there is not going to be a New Systemâ„¢ that will "fix" you? How much of your life have you thrown away in trying to mold yourself into something you aren't and were never meant to be?
You don't need to answer those questions here on JWD, but I hope you will think about them and do what is in your best interests.
Truth is different for different people. The truth for you is that you're gay. The truth is that the wt and its imaginary god hate people like you. If you accept those truths, what is there to be torn about? Actually, being hated can be tough. I have found that negative vibes from others can be given to the earth, so to speak. The earth can be used to ground others' negativity, the same as it is ground for electrical faults, lightening, etc. It's a visualization thing that funky wouldn't like.
S -
Avi, I watched that whole clip when you first posted it. It was long but worth it. The pie in the face really caught my attention from the begining. Scooby take the time to watch the clip.