That's true.
And it's my favorite postulate.
You are free to provide a better one. ;-)
Nearly every post I have responded with has a different postulate, take your pick. My latest is that the Earth is a giant land-fill of the universe, it's equally plausable. Postulating isn't evidence of anything. I continually find it funny that this thread is now 6 pages in length which the majority of which is Theists and Atheists arguing a point that was noted as not being evidence in the initial post. But I'll state again
COULD BE is not external, observable, verifiable, evidence of.
This isn't a philisophical debate, it's external, observable, verifiable proof of. If the answer could be a thousand things and the best proof that can be mustered is "It COULD BE" I don't know how else to say this. I've tried a myriad of similies, metaphors and illustrations. If you use the words "COULD BE" in your post, that's not a conclusion. "God is without a shadow of a doubt, undeniably, unequivicolly, undebatably the creator of the universe because..."
On the religious side of the debate I just wanted to throw my 2 cents here:
Anyway, if these 3 major religions would stop trying to prove they have the only correct interpretation of scripture, we could focus on the fact that we essentially worship the same God and maybe be peaceful with one another.
I don't know if that's really the case because Islam/Judaeism/Christianity may trace their ancestry back to Abraham but their Gods have radically different personalities. Christians accept the vengeful, blood-thirsty God of the Old Testiment soldering his Israelites from town to town in the middle east killing, raping, and brutally sacraficing animals along their way to the holy land, then the New Testiment has a change of heart and becomes a loving, merciful, forgiving God. Then Judaeism only worships the first half of that, Islam worships the first half and continues this same personality in the newer half of their Qu'ran. If Islam is right then Judaeism is wrong because their God asks for "exclusive devotion" and in essence they've been worshipping this YHWY cat when in actuality his name was Allah. If Judaeism is right we're all in trouble because we should be killing animals for every time we sin. If Christianity is right, God has a split personality. It's basically a pissing contest of who Abraham worshipped, assuming that he had the right guy. Even though if someone was talking to me telling me he's God then tells me to kill my only son, I might seek out some psychotic episode inhibiters instead of doing what he told me. But you know to each their own. You say showing faith to God, I say psychopath believing a voice is telling him to kill his son. To-MAY-to To-Mah-to.