I think a lot of men are dead scared of getting taken for a ride. They get married, the woman stays for a while, divorces and takes all his hard earned crap.
It happens much too often.
So it's women who run out on men and take all their hard earned crap? What a load of total and utter bullshit!
Firstly, Burn, it may surprise you to hear that WOMEN CAN EARN THEIR OWN MONEY. Some women even earn more than their partners! (as was the case for a number of years with me).
Secondly, men very often leave their wives (frequently for a younger woman) or get discovered cheating. Women do that aswell, but from what you seem to be suggesting its the men who always get the raw deal.
You are talking utter rubbish!
Some women have walked out on their man and took money from him, but some women have been left holding the baby / house / responsibilities whilst their man relives his youth. Some women (like me) were walked out on and left paying the mortgage.