Money is king and the world is sadder for it!!
Not always, but many for this is a sad reality.
I went to see a lawyer the other day, it turns out that my wife - a fervent JW who has never worked siince having our first child is entitled to about 63% of your joint assets. She refuses to work amd i work i my ass off.
I have no problem with her getting a fair share of our assets, she has done a great deal in bringing up 3 lovely children, I just object to her getting greater than 50% when she refuses to work and to do her wts things
I am about to draw a line under this and she will as a result probably never have to work again.
My situation is unusual i know. Many women like momz get a raw deal on many fronts. and as a general rule women do come off worst. Also the chilren suffer too, this is the saddest part.