The end of marriage?

by BurnTheShips 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • quietlyleaving

    wow that got through

    I wanted to add the concluding sentence to the cut and paste from the article below

    but keep getting an error message when I try to post it

    The causes of the collapse of marriage range from the rise in the Western world of a highly individualistic ethic, to a profound shift in moral and religious attitudes, to the sexual revolution, to the widespread use of abortion and the pill, to changes in law, among other things. The precise damage that the collapse in marriage is having on different societies is hard to measure – but we know it cannot be good. Marriage remains the best arrangement ever devised when it comes to sexual and emotional intimacy, raising children, and finding fulfillment and completeness between two people, not to mention things like financial security, better health, and longer lives. It is, as Bennett wrote, “the keystone in the arch of civilization.”

    do you mind sharing with us the sentence the para above concludes with.......

  • DaCheech

    the day divorces are fair, is the glorious day for people to want getting married!

    I am happily married, but lets say tomorrow I stop going to meetings (deemed apostate):

    1) elders would tickle my wife's ears

    2) soon I would be asked for separation.

    3) she would live in my mostly paid home with the kids, while i work 2 jobs to: pay that morgage, that heating bill, and the rent on my own apt.

    4) within 6 years I would be forced to work a thrid job, because (i kow 4 people that this is happened to) I would have to pay the kids college and boarding.

    5) I would be miserable until I'm 62 and then tired anyway!

    here in jersey I know quite a few guys living in a basement apt while paying for the wife.

    (on the contrary) I even know an ex workmate f**ing his girfriend in the house that her ex was still paying for.

  • Sirona
    What a very ugly comment and accusation from a very confused woman.

    Burn are you referring to me?


  • Sirona


    Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?

    This tells me everything I need to know about your view of women.


  • hamilcarr
    What a very ugly comment and accusation from a very confused woman.

    Christian memes at work ... again.

  • hamilcarr

    I am sick of this place.

    Out of here.


    Some people are very confused indeed.

  • BurnTheShips
    This tells me everything I need to know about your view of women.


    OK, so you think that sex has not historically been an incentive for men to marry? And now that you can get it essentially"for free" (no commitment) it doesn't change the equation?


  • diamondblue1974
    What I did say that men are reticient to marry because women these days will leave them on trivialities and they have much more to lose legally.

    This smacks at best of a sweeping over generalisation but far worse, a rather jaundiced view of women. For the record men have always had the upper hand societally and women far more disadvantaged upon the breakup of a relationship. They predominantly carry the responsibility of child care without the male partner/husbands input and also carry the sole financial responsibility too.

    Also, since a great many women are giving it up faster than a goat in heat, this is a disincentive as well.

    This supports the point that you appear to have a rather jaundiced view of women and have somehow allowed yourself to objectify them somewhat. What you fail to mark is the fact that men since the dawn of existence have been able to sow their wild oats and to some extent it has been accepted that this is just what men do. It is true that women are today more sexually liberated and thats no bad thing - its not to say that promiscuity should be condoned but there should be a sense of equality in the bed as there is elsewhere.

    Secondly, you seem to imply by your comment that because women 'are giving it up faster than a goat on heat' it is a disincentive for men to get married. You seem to imply that men have most of if not all the options when it comes to marriage choices. In might have skipped your notice but fewer women are choosing not to marry also - have you addressed why this might be?

    Perhaps you should consider the fact that society overall is choosing other alternatives for reasons no doubt linked to the fact that marriage these days has very little to do with relationships and love.

    Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?

    Again just another example of your rather jaundiced view of women and sex in general.


  • BurnTheShips
    This smacks at best of a sweeping over generalisation but far worse, a rather jaundiced view of women. For the record men have always had the upper hand societally and women far more disadvantaged upon the breakup of a relationship. They predominantly carry the responsibility of child care without the male partner/husbands input and also carry the sole financial responsibility too

    Well hell, like I said, the law favors women. What's sweeping about that if it is accurate? What part of that doesn't make sense? How many men lose the right to be with their children and get billed for the pleasure? The socialist state has undercut the need for men by financing single motherhood. It incentivises the problems you yourself note. I worked in the public school system for 4 years here. The great majority of the problem children were not from traditional families. Care to address that instead of what you think my particular prejudices are?

    This supports the point that you appear to have a rather jaundiced view of women and have somehow allowed yourself to objectify them somewhat. What you fail to mark is the fact that men since the dawn of existence have been able to sow their wild oats and to some extent it has been accepted that this is just what men do. It is true that women are today more sexually liberated and thats no bad thing - its not to say that promiscuity should be condoned but there should be a sense of equality in the bed as there is elsewhere.

    Well I am not talking about Genghis Khan spreading his seed across Eurasia centuries ago. I am talking about HERE and NOW. Men and women are not the same, whatever your unrealistic notions are. Our minds and bodies are different. Our reproductive roles are different. As for calling a spade a spade, I call them like I see them, and I think the same about men and their philanderings, as my own post history bears out.

    Perhaps you should consider the fact that society overall is choosing other alternatives for reasons no doubt linked to the fact that marriage these days has very little to do with relationships and love.

    You gotta be freaking kidding me. So why do people get married?

    All to many here seem to value their own sexual freedom and the right to indulge their animal passions over the duty to care for the results of those sexual unions-both men and women. Our children are the ones who are paying the price.


  • beksbks

    As a 47 year old woman recently engaged, I see plenty wrong here. One reason why marriage may be on the decline, is that women are now able to be out in the work force, taking care of themselves. Not being sold off by their parents to some man who is supposed to take care of his new posession financially. Another may be that many are choosing not to have children. Both sexes have more freedom, and may not want to give that up to raise a child. Lot's of people past childbearing, may choose to live as a couple without marriage, I know many.

    I really hate that "why buy the cow" comment. I always have, it's so condescending. It sums up the entire worth of a woman, it's essentially like using the C word.

    "Why buy the bull if it means you have to deal with all his shit?"


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