My sister in-law is a 10th grade Honors student. She is 14 and currently enrolled in English II - a required course. She and her fellow students are studing the Holocaust in thier Honors English class.
The teacher has instructed them to do the following:
Watch 3 videos to date depicting Nazi executions, including the deaths of men, women and children by gas, firing squads, and one that particularly bothers me a small child being taken away from their parents, tossed back and forth in the air to die by being impaled on a pitch fork.
Read a book with graphic violence and death.
Write a composition based upon the students placing themselves in a box car during the Holocaust on their way to a concentration camp to be executed. They are required to write about how they feel.
My sister-in-law and her friends have requested to not watch the videos depicting such graphic violence because they are having nightmares. The teacher instructed them that they have to as it is required to take notes and pass a future exam.
I have phoned the Principal of the school, a local newspaper and a local TV News company. I feel no 14 - 15 year old child should have to be subjected to witnessing live executions, let alone to call it an English class. What on earth does this have to do with an English class? An since when are young kids supposed to watch live footage of even small children being executed by the Nazis?
By the way, the school has a Website - It's Lehigh Senior High School. The website is and her teacher is a woman by the name of Ms. Cindy Jenkins, room number 3212. Please feel free to file a complaint.
I would like your feedback on the issue.