Feedback needed please

by MrMoe 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • mommy

    Aww Andee((((hugs)))) That is truly an awful thing to have to witness. I guess it just proves that what has happened in our lives affects our outlook on the rest of it. Not everyone is going to handle things the same. And after experiencing a terrible act of violence, our outlook is different. I know I was forced to grow up early. I was on my own at 16, and had no choice but to face real life then. Maybe that is why I don't think 14 is too young.

    I have really enjoyed reading the different comments here, and seeing others opinions on this. Thanks to all who participated.

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

  • Andee


    I agree with you. Our life experience do shape our outlook. Especially on such things as this.

    Thanks for the hugs


  • expatbrit


    That's an appalling experience, and I'm sorry you had to endure it!

    I guess what it comes down to is the usual: we just can't make general sweeping rules when it comes to people. Everyone's different, and in a situation such as the one this thread is about, an individual decision must be made in each case.

    In re-reading my previous comments it seemed as though I was advocating that all students should be forced to view these videos.
    That's not what I meant, and I'm sorry for my poor communication of it.

    If a young person will be traumatized by this, then by all means let them skip the videos and learn using another method. But sometimes being shocked and disturbed by something is not bad, and can lead to good results such as a greater appreciation of the subject or a motivation to help solve the problem. Some students may therefore benefit from videos such as this. Individual decisions, then, for individual students.

    Like Wendy, I've found it interesting and useful to see others' viewpoints, and to exchange differing ideas in a polite manner.


    p.s. this post has nothing to do with the fact that Dana said she'd beat the crap out of me earlier in chat.

  • ashitaka

    Right on expat....but I still think that the real world is a horrible place, where they will see horrible things. Two to one, nothing has happened to 'traumatize' the 14 year old. If the violence disturbs her, then fast forward, but an indepth study in to the politics of hate,including violence, is necessary. The war museum someone mentioned is a good idea...if something is too graphic there, just walk on.

    Don't force something on a person, but if you know they can handle it, even if it makes them UNCOMFORTABle then they should do it.

    The holocaust is the one of the most horrific sections of history in the entire history of man. It deserves to be told truthfully, and graphically...if they don't realize how incredibly horrible it is, then they will be blase about it. They have to realize it could happen again.

    Watching Life is Beautiful is a good idea for an alternative for people who are squeamish.


  • safe4kids
    safe4kids sorry to hear that you had to experience something like that! How traumatic.

    Lisa made a good point in her post about how many times something could be viewed before it traumatized a person and I honestly couldn't remember what the psychologists said about it. Anyway, I had a meeting today with a social worker who has been in practice for over 20 years and who regularly treats adolescents and I asked her about it. Her professional opinion was that trauma could occur after viewing something graphic only once, depending on the individual involved. I then related the situation with the 14 year old girl and the Holocaust videos and she said that if the girl is experiencing nightmares and bouts of crying, certainly it could be a sign of trauma. Obviously, a 5 minute discussion about something like this isn't in any way the be-all or end-all of the discussion but I did think her comments were interesting.


    p.s. this post has nothing to do with the fact that Dana said she'd beat the crap out of me earlier in chat.
    yeah, but i wouldn't let my children watch!

    Edited to add: Ash, I also agree that something should not be avoided just because it causes discomfort! In fact, the more uncomfortable I am with something, the more need there is for me to explore it!! The difference in this case being is it just discomfort or is real harm being done?


    Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...
    Closing Time, Semisonic

  • Julie

    Hi Lisa,

    Thanks for the chuckle. You said:

    :(Julie, you're so silly I won't even respond to your words. As a 'relative' newbie, you still have a lot to learn about other posters.)

    I love it.

    Ok, let's see, what is it I need to learn? I addressed five of the baseless assumptions you made about me and you dismiss it all as "silly"?

    While indeed my posting level would indicate I have a life I think I have a pretty good handle on things. I knew enough to avoid playing one of your little games didn't I Lisa? I have seen you play the game where you make statements any Thinking Person would attribute to a black person with a racist attitude and then get a big kick out of it when they wrongly assume you're black. I didn't do that but you thought, for one happy moment, that I had. When I called you on that you couldn't actually go back and show me where I thought you to be black could you? No.

    And the same holds true for several of the mistaken notions you had and I corrected. Not defensible therefore they must be dismissed as "silly". Classic dodge points but sorry I can't give you anything for originality.

    Julie, who is curious to know what it is Lisa thinks she needs to "learn about other posters"...........

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