Ya that figures Obves. You have the same mentality. You pull numbers out of your ass at random, like the watchtower, ignoring as the watchtower does, the scriptures that says no man knows the day or the hour.
You beleive you have special knowledge. So do the witnesses. You overlook all injustices. So do the witnesses. Your insensitvity is the same too. You come on a anti witness theology board and give the witnesses a pat on the back, on a thread in which qualified born-ins relate their experiences. No regard for lost childhood, or injustice. Many witnesses are the same. They just can't see what they did wrong.
Your stubborness is the same to. You continue to preach on a board where nobody at all listens. The witnesses knock on doors and nobody listens.
What are you saying ? You don't beleive us when we tell you, we have been socially retarded in our development, or you think we have the mental problem and wer'e just making it up cause wer'e angry?
You above all ,should understand what it is to be a social misfit, but you are proud of it. So are the witnesses.
If anyone thought you actually had something intelligent to say, we actually might consider it a slap in the face. As it is, you are not even on the radar.
Your strong desire for a better world, your idealism, is overiding your better judgement and compassion.
If you grew up as a witness, you wouldn't desire that life, anymore than someone raised as a nazi.
If you were raised as a witness, you wouldn't be free to make your ridicuous calcualtions, without watchtower approval. You wouldn't even be on this board. You didn't grow up in a cult.
Your conviction for the incorrect babble you spew every day, with your freedoms in hand, puts you more in the category, of cult leader, than follower. You would love that, so long as your freedoms were not infringed upon. Insensitivity is a must, and constant repitition of garbage. Your a natural!
Unfortunately, you have come to a board where everyone is tired of BS and insensitivity. The third world is ripe for the plucking. Just follow the witness lead on that one, trust me.