California Court Affirms Right To Gay Marriage

by BenV 280 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus100

    I guess, Royalbatty, the core of gay marriage, same-sex unions, whatever you want to call it - is equality. In the U.S. gays are considered to be second-class citizens, that that's an outrage.

    I live in a country where gay marriage is legal, and let me assure you, there are no men cutting they're lawn in dresses, no mastrubating in public (unless there's a gay pride parade, I imagine), and no extreme effeminism in the coffee shops because of it. Things are quite normal, actually.

    And yes, we can agree on something - acting like morons in public is disgraceful! Those gay pride parades are ridiculous in the sense of all that kink stuff. Completely unnecessary, and something that should be done in private where families don't have to see it. So again, I say to everyone, don't think that those gay pride parades speak to all gays, because lots of gays find them offensive too. Some people thought that all black people sat on porches, ate watermelon and fried chicken all day. Same sh*t, different story.

  • roybatty
    I guess, Royalbatty, the core of gay marriage, same-sex unions, whatever you want to call it - is equality. In the U.S. gays are considered to be second-class citizens, that that's an outrage.

    I think that's part of it along with the desire by some to undermine any type of moral code.

    And yes, we can agree on something - acting like morons in public is disgraceful! Those gay pride parades are ridiculous in the sense of all that kink stuff. Completely unnecessary, and something that should be done in private where families don't have to see it.


    So again, I say to everyone, don't think that those gay pride parades speak to all gays, because lots of gays find them offensive too. Some people thought that all black people sat on porches, ate watermelon and fried chicken all day. Same sh*t, different story.

    I understand the point you're trying to make but connecting racism and viewing homosexuality as wrong isn't the same thing. I do feel that homosexual behavior is detructive, just as having kids out of wedlock or society's casual attitude toward divorce both are. Will it be the end of the world when same-sex marriage is legalized across the country? Nah. But it will be another blow to society (no pun intended).

  • shamus100

    I am sorry that you will have to deal with those changes soon, despite these supposed destructive behaviors. Fortunately, the medical field knows better than all of us, thank god.

  • Indo_Dude

    It amuses me so on threads like this that the super Christians refuse to acknowledge that born agains, Baptists, and other fundies have the highest divorce rates. Athiests, agnostics the lowest. As the two studies I mentioned earlier which no hater wanted to touch with a ten foot pole was the divorce rates in the Denmark gay marriage were dramatically lower than those of straights.

    Oh, but gay marriage is going to undermine the 'moral code' some say? Please, give me a break.

    A decade after Denmark, Norway and Sweden passed their respective partnership laws, heterosexual marriage rates had risen 10.7% in Denmark; 12.7% in Norway; and a whopping 28.8% in Sweden. In Denmark over the last few years, marriage rates are the highest they’ve been since the early 1970s. Divorce rates among heterosexual couples, on the other hand, have fallen. A decade after each country passed its partnership law, divorce rates had dropped 13.9% in Denmark; 6% in Norway; and 13.7% in Sweden. On average, divorce rates among heterosexuals remain lower now than in the years before same-sex partnerships were legalized.

    In addition, out-of-wedlock birthrates in each of these countries contradict the suggestion by social conservatives that gay marriage will lead to great increases in out-of-wedlock births and therefore less family stability for children.

    Strong, durable same-sex unions are exactly what the religious right fears most. They want, and need, gays to be promiscuous, irresponsible, shunned, and freakish. Dare I say it: diseased, too. They want gays forever to be scapegoats, and never to be people.

    Just like many when they were JWs they wanted to blame everyone else for their shortcomings. No, gay marriage will not destroy straight marriage. Super Duper Christians / born agains are self-destructing their own marriages. Stop looking to blame others. YOU are to blame for your own bad behavior. Massachusetts has had gay marriage for 4 years now. Vermont has had civil unions for over 8 years. Neither state has had a spike in divorces, out of wedlock births or anything else. Why is that the red states like Texas, Mississippi, Kansas and others have the highest divorce rates? The blue states, those morally inept, have the lowest divorce rates? Hypocrites.

  • shamus100

    Easy there big fella. Not all christians are like that - but I know the jist of what you're saying.

  • BFD

    Gay marriage is not going to bring kingdom come. What's the big deal?

    My neighbor tells me tha there are 1400 rights that gays miss out on because of this whole marriage thing. It drives her crazy that I am so non'chalant about the whole issue. I asked her for a list of these rights and so far have got bupkus.

    Is she exagerating?


  • Indo_Dude

    Here are some of the legal rights that married couples have and gays and lesbians are denied:

    1. Joint parental rights of children
    2. Joint adoption
    3. Status as "next-of-kin" for hospital visits and medical decisions
    4. Right to make a decision about the disposal of loved ones remains
    5. Immigration and residency for partners from other countries
    6. Crime victims recovery benefits
    7. Domestic violence protection orders
    8. Judicial protections and immunity
    9. Automatic inheritance in the absence of a will
    10. Public safety officers death benefits
    11. Spousal veterans benefits
    12. Social Security
    13. Medicare
    14. Joint filing of tax returns
    15. Wrongful death benefits for surviving partner and children
    16. Bereavement or sick leave to care for partner or children
    17. Child support
    18. Joint Insurance Plans
    19. Tax credits including: Child tax credit, Hope and lifetime learning credits
    20. Deferred Compensation for pension and IRAs
    21. Estate and gift tax benefits
    22. Welfare and public assistance
    23. Joint housing for elderly
    24. Credit protection
    25. Medical care for survivors and dependents of certain veterans

    These are just a few of the 1400 state and federal benefits that gays and lesbians are denied by not being able to marry.

    Most of these benefits cannot be privately arranged or contracted for within the legal system.
  • BFD

    Meat & potatoes.

    Thanks, Indo-Freak!

    So, now everyone, tell me why should gays be denied these rights?


  • roybatty
    It amuses me so on threads like this that the super Christians

    I hope that wasn't a shot toward me. If so, you're making a wrong assumption.

  • Indo_Dude
    Roy: I hope that wasn't a shot toward me. If so, you're making a wrong assumption.

    Nope, I don't know you from Adam, so it wasn't directed at you. What I will direct at you, and those others on this thread that have made proclamations about what society will not endure, or a moral collapse, or similar, is to simply ask, where's your proof? I've posted a number of studies refuting your claims. Do you, (or others) have any evidence other than simply your own opinion on how gay marriage is destructive on a society as you claim.

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