It may not be very "2008 American", certainly it's not Calvanistic or Puritanistic. But frankly it disturbs me much less than vomiting in public. There are those that are just as offended by smoking in public. At least masturbation is easy to turn away from.My point is that this is a fairly limited, non-invasive behavior that you can choose to look at or not. It's really quite understandable - condemn a group of people for their sexual sins, and a little steam will get let off in some inappropriate ways..
This is ridiculous reasoning. We are talking about masturbating on the sidewalk at high noon in the middle of a public parade. How far down have we as a society come? Calvinistic and Puritanical? When did just minimal standards for self-respecting behavior get such a bad rap? Where do I begin?
- Vomiting is usually an uncontrollable, involuntary reaction to illness. It happens - unpleasant, but not morally offensive.
- Smoking in public was acceptable up til about ten years ago - now unacceptable, not because of sexual mores, but health considerations.
Non-invasive behavior? Meaning nobody gets cut with a knife? Choose to look at or not? Horsefeathers!
Understandable? Public masturbation? Because a group of people have been censured for their sexual sins - letting off some steam?
As I said earlier - perhaps this is what some people fear - some moral license to behave in a depraved manner, that most would not want to be subjected to whether by homosexuals or heterosexuals. My very best friend of the past 25 years is lesbian - I could care less, because her sexual preference is not an issue - it is private, just as my sexual preference is between me and my partner. I don't want anybody's sexuality in my face - it is a private and discreet matter or should be.
Seriously, I don't think that gays who want to marry are the problem - but who knows? You say it is "simple" - check back in 5 years.
- "All I want is to smoke a cigarette in a public restaurant - simple."
- "All I want is to marry my gay boyfriend and reap the benes financially - simple."
- "All I want is to keep my pet pit bull (or doberman) in my back yard - and do my best to constrain him - simple."
- "All I want is to come to your country and have the right to work, medical care, social security, education - simple."
- "All I want is to be able to fly across the country - yes, I weight 430 pounds and I need two seats, but I should only have to pay for one - simple."
- "All I want is to sit in my own living room and watch child porn on my own computer - simple."
- "All I want is to live in the most free and generous country in the world - criticize the hell out of it, collect all its benefits, and demand more - simple."
- "All I want is my right to live as if my choices - about health, sex, work, family - impact no one else but me. SIMPLE."
At some point there will be a reckoning - not because I say so, but BECAUSE THERE ALWAYS HAS BEEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE.