California Court Affirms Right To Gay Marriage

by BenV 280 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mariusuk.

    Admittedly knocking one off in public is a bit sick however I do not see what that has to do with gay marriage which this thread is about. This thread needs to get back on track lol. I still have not seen any of the anti gay marriage brigade offer a solitary justification for their stance other than the bigoted "The bible says it's wrong" yeah well the bible says a lot of things are wrong and is a book for a time when enlightenment was a torch accompanied by a pitchfork.

    I hate bigotry, jw's are encouraged to effectively have a global bigoted attitude, they ALL die and we live!! It is a shame that when they leave some JW's just cannot shake some of their discriminations. Obviously everyone has a right to their individual opinion but maybe some people need to think how they would feel if they were looked down on and marginalised just because of certain preferences or beliefs they may have.

    Gay marriage - end of the world .....oooooohhhhhhhhhhh

  • BizzyBee
    I do not see what that has to do with gay marriage which this thread is about. This thread needs to get back on track lol.

    Yes, Mari, we have beaten it to death!

    So, the fact is, that the people of California will most likely vote on the gay marriage issue (again) in November. They already voted against it in 2000 - this time there would be provision against any future re-definition of the word 'marriage.' Any same-sex marriages granted in the meantime would be reversed.

  • TD

    Every year, my wife and I joke that it would be better if we divorced, because as a married couple with substantial personal and business deductions, we pay thousands more in taxes than we would if we were unmarried, filing individually and each just taking the standard deduction.

    The marriage tax penalty doesn't exist at all income levels, but there are points on the sliding scale where it is a real pain.

    Gay couples would probably have a unique perspective on this. Do the benefits of a formalized union outweigh the disadvantages?

  • roybatty

    Roy: However, the basic unit of society is the family and the possibility of having a strong family is increased by having both a man and woman.

    Oops - wrong. Everything we know about survivability says that diversity is the key to longevity. And, since we know that "traditional" marriages, as often as not, end in divorce, I'm not sure your point is very "strong". Male/female families are stronger? I've not seen it.

    Huh? My position is that BOTH (divorce and same-sex marriage) have negative affect on society. With all things being equal, a parential team made up of a man and a woman would have a better chance of raising kids compared to a same-sex couple.

    Like I stated previously, you typically won't find a float of naked people humping each other at the St. Patrick's Day Parade.

    No - but you won't typically find a bigotted group of old men denying Irish participation at a Pride parade, either. Which hurts society more?

    You'er going to have to expound on this one because I don't know what you're talking about.

  • roybatty

    I guess my point is people already think that we're a bunch of weirdo's as it is - having parades where people are nude, being spanked, dressed up in dog suits, sticking double sided dildo's into orfices... now that's just over the top. People with families don't appreciate that, nor the general public.

    We are not weirdo's. We are not pedo's either. We're just normal people who want to lead normal lives. Those parades do more harm than good, IMO and IMO only.

    You just summerized my feelings.

    Question - I'd be curious to hear from those who are actualy gay, how many here actually want same sex marriage to be legal? Or is it not a big deal?

  • roybatty
    Perhaps by your standards. I've seen worse, and hell even done worse. There are venue appropriate places to engage in such activity, and both my boyfriend / parnter and I have partaken in such behavior. Again, there is a time and a place for such. I've seen straight people having sex at a concert at an arena filled with 30,000 patrons before. I've watched straight people having sex thinking they were being sly at a public beach. There will always be people who engage in inappropriate behavior, gay, straight, or in-between.

    And who's saying that this behavior isn't offensive????

  • roybatty
    We will just have to see how the illegal alien vote influences the upcoming constitutional ammendment vote in California.
    Illegal aliens can't vote.

    Riiiiiiiight. That's why the Democrats are fighting so hard to repeal laws requiring voters to show legal I.D. when voting. Hmmmmm....I wonder why.... But that's a totalling differnt subject.

    And if they could, they would vote more traditionally on this issue than the average Californian.

    I agree. I would think that the influx of Mexicans and their more traditional religious values would be a roadblock to same-sex marriage in California.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I have no problem with churches deciding which marriages they recognize as legal before god. That's their prerogative, I suppose. But this is about rights and priviliges being extended to people by the government. The standards and policies of religion are not supposed to play a part in this, which is why it's in our constitution. People have the right to worship god in anyway they see fit. But those values shouldn't be imposed on those who don't share them.

    I guess that's my long-winded way of saying "well-done, California".

  • Alpaca

    It's about damn time for this.

    The human race is so developmentally retarded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • free2beme

    I don't see anything wrong with it, but it will go the Supreme Court next and depending on what party is in control, it might have a chance.

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