Independent thinking. ( Or having the balls to disagree with what are obvious lies)
Moving ahead of the "Organization". (Slow ass as they are)
by FlyingHighNow 80 Replies latest jw friends
Independent thinking. ( Or having the balls to disagree with what are obvious lies)
Moving ahead of the "Organization". (Slow ass as they are)
Name a reason people wont make it through ArmegeddonI wish you could see the smile on my face over that one.I committed adultery with you in my heart FHN
Really, all ya'll are the funnest friends a girl could have, ever.
Hearing songs like Living Ladvida Loca and Closer and secretly finding them exciting.
A sister will die at Armegeddon for voicing opinions that differ from her husband. A sister will not make it if she counsels brothers and has a Jezebel attitude.
Having mardi gras beads. Expect to become a grease spot in the dirt.
There is no Armegeddon.
JB, shhhhhhhhh, the snowed dubs don't know that yet. These are reasons we heard and dubs still hear.
Because they only went 159 MPH instead of 160 in field circus (in the city).
Because they took a microsecond too long to get out of the car on one call, and they could have gotten a few millimeters farther in field circus.
Because they said the wrong word at a call, either blowing that call or taking too long, causing them to not reach the final door.
Because they preferred a lady instead of another man.
Because they puked upon seeing that ugly man spitting blood into a mayonnaise jar while at his call.
Because they didn't pay attention to the speaker at one particular boasting session instead of that cute waitress at Starbucks at their earlier coffee break that day in field circus.
Because they took that coffee break at Starbucks instead of continuing out in field circus in the first place.
Because a sister sews her children's clothing. She could be buying them from the thrift stores. <..........I actually was told this by the PO's wife, a former school teacher who was a regular pioneer. Her husband had been a school teacher as well and was climbing the coporate ladder to be a CO. And he well would have made it had he not been turned in by a sister for trying to get into her pants and create a following after himself.
Because myself and two others skipped the Watchtower study to play Asteroids in the fish and chip shop!!!
Working overtime (even if its just to provide for your family). Must mean that you're materialistic and world lovin...
Putting a mirror on your toe so you can look up skirts will get ya tossed.