Being content... and not doing, MORE MORE MORE !
***** Name a reason people wont make it through Armegeddon *****
by FlyingHighNow 80 Replies latest jw friends
Sacoloton, I can envision it all. Only I will add that a long line of Bunny Hoppers will snake in and out of the neighborhoods and once in a while, the great DJ in the sky will stop everyone to do the Chicken Dance.
2. Having a dirty car. You can die at Armegeddon if you have a dirty car.
not attending all 5 meetings including the book study which is now being done away with or added on to the thursday meeting giving them a free night god im angry the way i was made to feel guilty if i missed itOh and going out on the ministry at least once at the weekend.Having any type of worldly friends,drinking too much alcohol,oral sex,not being part of the ministry school,needless to say i failed on all accounts he he
freespirit, when you admitted oral sex ... did any of the spiritual elders fight over with whom should meet with you in private at your home to ... uh, give counsel and maybe go over a few scriptures while going over all the vivid details?
Elder #1: Sister Freespirit has admitted to performing oral sex.
Elder #2: Oh, really?
Elder #3: She did?
Elder #4: Is that so?
Elder #1: She feels no remorse. Who should go speak with her at her home in private?
By not responding positively to every utterance out of the mouth of the 'Faithful Slave" there are
many brothers and sisters who are positioning themselves against
These brothers and sisters undoubtably will not survive to see the other side of Jehovah's
Great and Awe-inspiring day.
Tired of the Hypocrisy
Sodomizing a fat bottomed girl.(My fav sin!) Nothing like it in this world! If she is into it that is, and apparently nothing like it will exist in the jw's new world order. So I prefer to stay on this side and Drink, Gamble and HUMP! Hump a plump rump! LOL
Sodomizing a fat bottomed girl.(My fav sin!) Nothing like it in this world! If she is into it that is, and apparently nothing like it will exist in the jw's new world order. So I prefer to stay on this side and Drink, Gamble and HUMP! Hump a plump rump! LOL
Playing too much on my Spectrum 48k!!
... watching "Lord of the Rings", "Harry Potter", "Narnia", or the Smurfs.
Witness 007
Missing the VERY LAST Meeting before Armagedon...{Imagine anouncements} "We have a special anouncement tonight, Armagedon will be here in two hours so if you could all please get on the school buses outside, we will be leaving for the the way Brothers....does anyone know how to drive a Bus?"