The hardest question for Jehovah's Witnesses ...

by sacolton 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Posing any kind of direst questioning at the organization revolving around its viability is frowned upon and is deemed

    weak and possibly evil in its objective .

    Listen and obey is the only policy that is accepted and allowed by the powers to be........or else they have a way of dealing with you !

  • 83501nwahs

    They usually use "The Great Pumpkin" defence to explain that question. As you know, Linus wanted to have the Great Pumpkin visit his pumpkin patch. The Great Pumpkin always chooses the most sincere pumpkin patch grower to appear in. So, every year Linus waits for the Great Pumpkin to choose him. It's not the quality of the pumpkin patch that matters, its the sincerity of the grower. So, when Christ came back in 1919, he looked over the earth and found that JWs had the most love among themselves and were the most sincere. After that it would be a hundred year project of Jesus' to slooooowly reveal the truth - ever so slowly.

  • 83501nwahs

    Oh, and Reniaa, I don't know why you bother defending the JWs, because you have already admitted that you are an apologist (sympathizer) and that truth is not your main value at all. In fact you have said that your motives for going back have nothing to do with whether JWs are actually the true religion. You "need" to be a Witness because you are needy, and you can't imagine life without somebody telling you what is what. You are actually proof that many JWs feel the same way and it just doesn't matter to you whether the WTS is a false prophet or not. Yet the Bible says that false prophets are worthy of death.

  • sacolton

    reniaa -

    Have you read CoC yet?

  • loosie

    eine meenie mineie moo... you're it

  • loosie
    Given the way jesus feels about his father I could see why he would pick them faulty practises and all

    ok so they won because they weren't as bad as the rest. wow what an endorsement.

  • M.J.

    "lol it just accurred to me if jesus came and found they were the only religion that were honouring his father by name and not a roman triune God, Given the way jesus feels about his father I could see why he would pick them faulty practises and all"

    But you have to understand that the appointment doctrine ORIGINALLY was just as much about the "evil servant" as it was about the "faithful servant".

    The EVIL SERVANT basically consisted of all the Bible Students that weren't happy with Rutherford's takeover and disregard for everything Russell had arranged before his death.

    So a full 3/4 of the Bible Students actually left the organization over this!

    So now you had all these Bible Students (who, btw, didn't accept the Trinity, immortal soul, etc., etc.) OUTSIDE OF THE ORGANIZATION! Rutherford had to come up with a "housecleaning doctrine" to wipe out any credibility they might have had!

    Thus, those that left became the "Evil Servant" and those that stayed were the "Faithful Servant"!

    All this other stuff about prison & such was Freddy Franz's "inspiration".

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Make the question even harder, tell them to use only the Bible to prove it.

  • Bring_the_Light

    JW's dont question.

    If some one ask a question they cant answer. The person asking that question is a bad person.

    Better than that, the person is under the control of Satan and is trying to "trick" the JW into leaving the flock. ANYTHING that would lead to them leaving the flock is a trick by Satan himself. Satan is very tricky, so he may very well be able to create the illusion that the Borganization is wrong about something, but we know that anything that makes it look like people don't need the Borganization is a trick by Satan. So ACTUALLY the more evidence looks like the Borganization is wrong, the more we are sure that Satan is after us because the Armageddon is SOO near. Satan will get more and more tricky as the time grows closer, so we need to believe even more blindly than ever in order to survive.!!! I can feel my forehead heat up as I try to think about the mental lives of Jehovah's Witnesses. Bring_the_Light

  • Balsam

    I asked that one day when we were studying the "Babylon The Great Book" while we just studying. The Conductor said well God spoke to their hearts and it was established. I asked for more details but was brushed aside. They simply handed me more books to read and they said it was explained in them. But I never found anything, then like a dumb brain dead bible study just too their word for it. It's impossible to answer just like it is impossible to answer when we used to ask the annointed ones how they knew they were of the 144,000. They just knew was the usual answer.


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