"lol it just accurred to me if jesus came and found they were the only religion that were honouring his father by name and not a roman triune God, Given the way jesus feels about his father I could see why he would pick them faulty practises and all"
But you have to understand that the appointment doctrine ORIGINALLY was just as much about the "evil servant" as it was about the "faithful servant".
The EVIL SERVANT basically consisted of all the Bible Students that weren't happy with Rutherford's takeover and disregard for everything Russell had arranged before his death.
So a full 3/4 of the Bible Students actually left the organization over this!
So now you had all these Bible Students (who, btw, didn't accept the Trinity, immortal soul, etc., etc.) OUTSIDE OF THE ORGANIZATION! Rutherford had to come up with a "housecleaning doctrine" to wipe out any credibility they might have had!
Thus, those that left became the "Evil Servant" and those that stayed were the "Faithful Servant"!
All this other stuff about prison & such was Freddy Franz's "inspiration".