Alcoholism is not comparison for being attracted to your own sex and being able to fall in love with only someone of your own sex. You can't compare the two.
Can being gay live in harmony with being a christian?
by digderidoo 70 Replies latest jw friends
Burn, read all of the gospels. You won't find Jesus mentioning homosexuality.
BTS, there are many practising catholics who are also practicing gays. The Catholic Church does not seek them out and bar them. In fact, many Catholics do not believe being gay is a sin. Did Jesus say it was a sin? He never mentioned it.
No, but the Catholic Church clearly teaches that living as a homosexual is a grave, mortal sin, and is unacceptable. Someone in this state cannot accept communion, they not being in a state of grace, but in a sinful state. Jesus did not mention many things, but left many things in the hands of his Apostles. The Church has always taught these things regarding homosexuality and current Anglican libertineism (which is not universal within the Anglican body) is a recent innovation and is not in keeping with received doctrine.
Jesus told everyone to sin no more. Sin in the sense of harming each other and the earth.
Sin is always harmful.
I understand there to be a destructive edge to alcholism, but is there one to homosexuality BTS?
BTS - If it's a sin to pratice - to act upon - one's homoerotic attraction, what is a gay person to do then? Remain celibate? This is more or less the position of the Catholic church. The church doesn't prohibit men, whose sexual orientation is "gay," from entering the priesthood. However, these men must promise to remain celibate during their priesthood. Of course, heterosexual men must do the same.
According to everything that I have read, sexual orientation in innate; it is not a choice. So, why should anyone be condemned simply for acting upon what are [for them] natural inclinations or tendencies?
I understand there to be a destructive edge to alcholism, but is there one to homosexuality BTS ?
It all too often manifests in a very self-destructive manner. It frequently tends to cohabitate with rampant promiscuity, drug use, domestic violence, depression, infection and shortened lifespan. Homosexuals are not happier, as a generality.
Early reports in the 1980's suggested that male homosexuals had an average life expectancy of less than 50 years - more than 20 years less than the overall male population. With the push for "safe" sex and improved treatments for AIDS, one would expect that the life expectancy might have increased since then. However, a Canadian study in 1997 found that male homosexuals have a life expectancy of 20 years less than the general male population (based upon a prevalence of 3% of the male population).1 Using several different measures, including life expectancy determined from obituaries, two large random sexuality surveys (in the USA and Great Britain), and a survey of those never married in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, indicated an average age of death of less than 50 years old.2 A third study, published in 2002, found that the median age of death of 88 homosexually partnered men was 45 years, while for 118 unpartnered homosexual men it was 46 years.3 This latter study put the average life expectancy of male homosexuals nearly 30 years less than the general male population. Another study showed that, on average, ever-married men outlived the ever-homosexually-partnered by 23 years in Denmark (74 yr. v. 51 yr.), and 25 years in Norway (77 yr. v. 52 yr.) Ever-married women outlived the ever-homosexually-partnered in Denmark by 22 years (78 yr. v. 56 yr.), and in Norway by almost 25 years (81 yr. v. 56 yr.).4 The U.S. FDA defines the criteria for blood donation.6 Many forms of sexual behavior prevent blood from being accepted through the Red Cross and other agencies. According to the standard questionnaire, "men who have had sex with another man even one time since 1977," are disqualified from donating blood because of risk of AIDS to the blood supply. No other lifestyle is excluded from donation for only one event in the last 31 years. Obviously, the risk of HIV infection is greater in those who practice homosexuality in the United States. However, other diseases, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus,7 contribute to increasing morbidity among gays. However, government statistics show that homosexuals are nearly 20 times more likely to be abused by other homosexuals than by heterosexuals.8 A recent study showed that nearly one third of practicing homosexuals were abused by their partners.9 A scientific study in the Netherlands revealed that homosexual behavior significantly increases the likelihood of psychiatric, mental and emotional disorders. Youth are four times more likely to suffer major depression, almost three times as likely to suffer generalized anxiety disorder, nearly four times as likely to experience conduct disorder, four times as likely to commit suicide, five times as likely to have nicotine dependence, six times as likely to suffer multiple disorders, and more than six times as likely to have attempted suicide.10 A study examining twins raised in the same household revealed in those twins in which at least one twin was homosexual, 80 percent of those twins the other was straight. Those gay-straight twins with same-sex partners were 6.5 times as likely as their co-twin to have attempted suicide. The higher rate was not explained by mental health or substance abuse disorders.11 Other studies have shown that homosexuals seek psychological help at greater frequencies than heterosexuals (see figures to right).12 BTS
BTS - If it's a sin to pratice - to act upon - one's homoerotic attraction, what is a gay person to do then? Remain celibate? This is more or less the position of the Catholic church. The church doesn't prohibit men, whose sexual orientation is "gay," from entering the priesthood. However, these men must promise to remain celibate during their priesthood. Of course, heterosexual men must do the same.
My brother was accepted into seminary for the Catholic priesthood last year.
They were not accepting homosexuals. The interview/screening process was extremely stringent. A very large proportion of the pedophile priests were homosexual.
According to everything that I have read, sexual orientation in innate; it is not a choice. So, why should anyone be condemned simply for acting upon what are [for them] natural inclinations or tendencies?
Certain actions and attitudes should be condemned because many of our innate "natural" inclinations and tendencies are sinful, fallen, depraved.
BTS lol I'll inform my peers of what's expected of them.
BTS lol I'll inform my peers of what's expected of them.
Silly. BTS
No, but the Catholic Church clearly teaches that living as a homosexual is a grave, mortal sin, and is unacceptable.
The Catholic Church does not base this on Jesus' teachings on the subject. And I'll ask my Dominican Therapist this afternoon about the position on homosexuality in the church. I know there is an unofficial one.