Why do you put up with crap off your JW famlies?

by dawg 78 Replies latest jw experiences

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    "I am not outspoken. I never claimed to be. What I said is my family knows my position. I have told them what I think of JW policies. At the same time, I'm not on a rampage to make them adopt my beliefs, nor do I claim to have a monopoly on being right. I take offense at your words because they are judgmental, narrow minded, and not constructive".

    Then you state...

    "I have directly told them I think jw's are a controlling cult without truth".

    You seem to overlook where I differentiated being outspoken from answering when asked. That's a huge difference. I don't voluntarily offer my views to family, but when they ask I tell. That's a very simple concept to grasp.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    You are not in court, and you are no expert on the subject we are discussing.

    I don't have to be in court or be an expert witness for my statement to apply. Courts do not allow logical fallacies as basis for evidence. If "appeal to authority" were a fallacy, then no qualifications would ever be given or allowed. Once again, you miss a simple point.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Dawg, we all have our own methods. I'll guarantee you would not call me a coward to my face.

    Doe, that's a threat, that you think I wouldn't have the nerve to say what I think to your face, and if I did, just what would you plan on doing...those are fighting words where I come from,

    I guess you don't realize that calling someone cowardly is fighting words. My assertion that you would not call me cowardly to my face is not an offer to fight, it is a simple observation. Your post reeks of irony.

  • dawg

    Doe, you missed the point, so here it is again.

    "You brought up your college degree as if it was relevant to this conversation, clearly it isn't and I doubt you were using it to show that you now go up against JW teachings as you threw it up in my face and asked me what I have achieved. Now, who's insecure."

    Here's a site that defines "appeal to authority fallacy".. where did you go to school bro?


  • dawg

    "it is a simple observation". Again a fallacy... you've never seen me, you do not know me, you don't know what I'm like as a person, so therefore you've made no observation as to my character simple or otherwise!... God, the fallacies just keep on rolling! LOL!!!!

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Here's a direct quote from your source: "This fallacy is committed when the person in question is not a legitimate authority on the subject." Once again, appeal to authority is not a fallacy. Where did you learn common sense?

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    "it is a simple observation". Again a fallacy... you've never seen me, you do not know me, you don't know what I'm like as a person, so therefore you've made no observation as to my character simple or otherwise!... God, the fallacies just keep on rolling! LOL!!!!

    So, your assertion is that an observation must be correct or based on irrefutable proof before it can be an observation? My god, the absurdities keep on rolling! lol

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    You brought up your college degree as if it was relevant to this conversation, clearly it isn't and I doubt you were using it to show that you now go up against JW teachings as you threw it up in my face and asked me what I have achieved. Now, who's insecure.

    I'll concede that it may look that way. My words asking what you achieved were an echo to your asking me "how's that working for you?" As I've said, my degrees and my not being shunned show that it's working quite well.

    However, you're obviously not out to find out what I'm about and what I stand for. You're looking for any contradiction you can find, manufactured or real, to discredit me. Correct?

  • dawg

    I gave the website with provided definition. I'll say no more about this fallacy other than to say that I think I've provided enough proof that "appeal to authority" is a known fallacy, especially the way you use it. Here's what you said...

    "have been shunned by no one, and I've completed a double major in difficult subject areas. I'm currently in my second year of law school. How about you?"

    Clearly, you are throwing up your degree in "difficult subject matters" in my face.... You are saying this like I should be impressed with all your accomplishments, as if that makes you right... it doesn't and is clearly not relevant.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Dawg, "faulty appeal to authority" is a fallacy. The site you quoted gives an incorrect abbreviation. Anyone with any sense knows that authority is not a fallacy. Would you want a bricklayer explaining medical terms and options to you?

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