Sooo funny JWD divorce advice!!!

by oompa 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa
    Dinah: The meds make you feel DEAD. Yes, it helps with the moods swings, but who wants to be stuck on "Zombie"?

    OMG...did not know that about you dinah...and yeah...this feels so much better that the drugged down semi-dub of the last three wonder it feels even better than I can alive...not a zombie. and thanks FHI....I needed a little slack at the moment....but appreciate all the input....even the kicks in the nuts.....JWD i get to have elders come over!!!....lets see if they care so much!!!


  • dinah

    Sweetie, you have friends here.

    They need medicine that don't just turn us off. That seems to be the only way they can deal with us.

    We have a creative/thinking side that won't shut up. But we're not crazy. Our brains just work differently and we happened to be forced into a mind controlling cult. God love us.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Oompa, if you feel doped into oblivion and will not take Rx meds, there are natural things you can try and a form of lithium a Dr. Napier from Germany found that is much safer and without horrid side effects. Unless laws have changed in the past few years, you can buy it without a Rx. It's called lithium orotate. It can be used for depression as well. A sister who used to take her young son to Dr. Napier told me about it years ago. She used to bring it back for people. They do sell it here, but it's not the brand that comes from Germany. It's about like taking calcium or magnesium. No drunk feeling, just a more even mood when the right dose is taken. The thing that makes lithium in the USA so harmful is the sodium in it. And the sodium isn't a good vehicle to pass the cell membrane. Orotate works much better and the amount of lithium one needs is much smaller and much safer.

  • Hope4Others

    I know this is just my two cents, I realise you are going through a lot of agonizing pain ...but dear the past two weeks your posts have not

    really been you or what I have been reading of you since I came here. I wish you the best, and god I really hope things work out for you.

    It hurts to see you going through all this turmoil.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Dinah, I encourage you to look into the lithium orotate as well. It just might help you, too.

  • dinah

    Lithium would be good. I could sleep.

    Anybody who hasn't been there doesn't get it. We have such low low points. The mania keeps us alive. When we are manic we have emotions. Take our emotions away, we may as well be dead. We are emotion driven people.

    I've read enough of Oompa's posts. He has things complicated. He would be a faithful man to the death. He's just not faithful to the WTBS and his wife is. He LOVES her. And he's not a dog chasing after pussy.

    Oh God, Oompa, I have felt for you since you joined this board.

  • oompa
    hope 4: but dear the past two weeks your posts have not

    really been you or what I have been reading of you since I came here.

    hmmm...that is interesting and insightful....I do post a bit...almost daily...and you see a dif???

  • dinah

    I spend too much time on werewolf.

    I catch hell for that too.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    To a certain extent, we are all pretty messed up in one way or another, many of us are just not diagnosed. Oompa loves his wife, is trying to save his marriage and is not looking for a replacement. He has tried to get her to go to marriage counselling, but he's in a really tough spot right now. I know how he feels, one spouse in, one out and it seems like never the two shall meet. You do what you can to cope, and humour is often involved to get you through the rough patches, and it hides alot of pain. Most people don't see that, just take the humour at face value and assume the worst, which is very rarely the case.


  • Hope4Others

    hmmm...that is interesting and insightful....I do post a bit...almost daily...and you see a dif???

    Yes I do, I read all your posts ...I'm being truthful and honest to you.


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