What do you know about 'CHEMTRAILS'?

by Gill 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    What I've noticed is that I keep seeing people saying such and such said such and such, but I don't see any direct quotes or links to what was actually said. In this way, they're attempting to invoke the credibility of whomever they're mentioning, but they're not allowing us to see the context or know what was actually said. It's important for all of us to learn how to analyze and weigh what is said, rather than being easily duped by crackpot theories.

  • sammielee24
    Well, what's your reputable source?

    Doesn't matter. If a person closes their mind and seals it shut, then it doesn't matter who or what or how you try to prove something, that person will simply say that your 'proof' is flawed. I suppose you could google the whole thing - perhaps go back as far as the Korean war period when chemtrails were used - the proof is there and I believe from the scientist himself. Google it. There have been tests done on the 'goo' that is dropped and the proof of toxins including aluminum are there - and if you decide to look a little further, you might just find the effects on the human body are toxic. There is no point in me trying to convince you of anything - just google the orphans used in experiments in NY. It's all there.

    Does this mean that the government is purposely setting out to kill off entire populations? I like to believe that isn't the main objective. Do I think for a minute they do/can or will use it to control the population wherever it benefits them? Most certainly. They already use the technology to alter weather patterns, thats a fact, don't you take it a step further and think for a minute, that the stuff they use in altering the weather has to land somewhere..? sammieswife.

  • jstalin
    What I've noticed is that I keep seeing people saying such and such said such and such, but I don't see any direct quotes or links to what was actually said. In this way, they're attempting to invoke the credibility of whomever they're mentioning, but they're not allowing us to see the context or know what was actually said. It's important for all of us to learn how to analyze and weigh what is said, rather than being easily duped by crackpot theories.

    Exactly. "Bob said this." Well, how do you know? Who is Bob? This Will Thomas site says it is extensively footnoted, but I have yet to find one footnote.

  • sir82

    Obviously jstalin is in on the cover-up as well.

    Why else go to all this trouble trying to debunk something that simply must be true? I mean, after all, there are stories on the internet about it!

    Be very careful, everybody....I'll bet jstalin is in the same government cabal as JGnat.

    Hey, wait a minute...jstalin...."J Stalin"....where have I heard that name before?

    Who else is in on this? This gettin' downright scary!

  • chrisjoel

    Yes..its always the little guys that do research into these areas ..but sometimes they have intresting things they dig up...like PROJECT STORMFURY.


    ..investigation into weather modification, touching on such topics as HAARP, contrails, chemtrails, and global warming. There is a long history of weather modification-- attempts to induce artificial rain date back to 1880. During the Viet Nam war era, the US military's Project Popeye used cloud seeding over four Asian countries in order to disturb weather patterns, he reported.

    Project Stormfury was used to redirect and weaken hurricanes for a twenty-year period starting in the 1960s, said Smith, who added that China and especially Russia have advanced weather modification methods. He speculated that Saddam Hussein may have paid Russia to brew up the severe sandstorm that took place at the beginning of Gulf War II.

    The issue of chemtrails has become confused with persistent contrails, Smith commented. While such contrails may not be deliberate, they nonetheless are an environmental disaster, associated with both global warming and global dimming, he said. The spraying of chemtrails by scientific and military agencies could be considered a kind of "geo-engineering," and one purpose may be an attempt to mitigate global warming, he stated. Project HAARP, which alters the ionosphere, can be employed for military advantages, such as creating fog or cloud cover during an invasion,



    http://www.earthpulse.com/ Dr. Nick Begich


  • jstalin

    From jerryesmith.com:

    In 1991 Mr. Smith and Jim Keith, author of Black Helicopters Over America: Strikeforce for the New World Order and numerous other conspiracy and mind control books, founded the National UFO Museum (NUFOM) in Reno, Nevada. From 1991 to 1994 Mr. Smith was the Executive Director of NUFOM, while Mr. Keith acted as the Chairman of the Board. In addition to his administrative duties of running the day-to-day operations of NUFOM, Mr. Smith also edited and wrote for that organization's quarterly journal, Notes from the Hangar.

    At the same time Mr. Smith worked as an editor/graphic artist with Jim Keith's magazine Dharma Combat: The Magazine of Spirituality, Reality and Other Conspiracies, until Jim's untimely death in 1999. Jerry served variously as Managing Editor and Art Director from Dharma Combat's inception in 1988. He was also a regular contributer under the penname of jarod o'danu.

    Indeed. Very reputable.

  • jstalin
    Doesn't matter. If a person closes their mind and seals it shut, then it doesn't matter who or what or how you try to prove something, that person will simply say that your 'proof' is flawed.

    I does matter. I asked for reputable sources. Give me one. I will listen to reputable sources. I've learned to think critically about sources and claims, however. When you refer to web sites that are full of usubstantiated claims and anonymous sources, then the credibility of the information becomes suspect.

    Don't get all huffy when I ask for reputable sources. You instead tell me to google it. You had a chance to quote reputable sources, but you just cut and paste from a wingnut's website that complains about how the Vatican runs the world. Give me a break. Sounds to me like you are the one with the closed mind.

  • jstalin
    http://www.earthpulse.com/ Dr. Nick Begich

    What is Mr Begich's doctorate in? Traditional Medicine from the Open International University of Complementary Medicines. What is the Open International University? It's a diploma mill.

    Who do these conspiracy nuts always have to make up degrees and give themselves fake doctorates?


  • jstalin

    Who is Steve Quayle...? he's written gems like:

    Stephen Quayle is the author of Breathe No Evil, a primer for understanding bioterrorism, first published in 1996. Additionally he has authored:

    • Blueprint For Survival
    • Investment Perspectives on Precious Metals
    • Aliens and Fallen Angels: The Sexual Corruption of the Human Race.

  • Gill


    John Doe - I'm sorry that I'm having trouble finding that Guardian quote. I'm still working on it however and will get back to you, hopefully by the morning with it. Don't know why the link isn't working at present.

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