jstalin - I appreciate everything you say BUT - for reason known neither to man nor beast the US and UK went to war with a virtually unarmed nation and will probably have to remain fighting there for another 20 years.
For reason known neither to man nor beast, bearing in mind that bio fuels have been used for many years in places like Brazil, AND China and INdia have been full grown economys for a long time, way over a decade, all of a sudden from one minute complaining that more people were dying of obesity than famine, food prices around the world sky rocketed. From too much we went to not enough.
For reason known neither to man nor beast, because bear in mind here India and China have been full grown economys for years upon years now, oil prices zoomed out of the stratosphere.
Give me GOOD reasons, and not , oh China and India want to be like us......BS! They have been for over a decade!
This winter, in the UK, we will be returning to elderly people dying from cold and hunger.
I say, population Cull.
Famine will rear its ugly head and it's an excellent way to get rid of the very poor, the very old and the feeble. Hunger, cold, disease and war.
The cause is WHO?
All totally avoidable but sadly pre organized I suspect by the very rich who don't want the silly little people getting in their way when they want to drive to their destination. And they don't want to see the silly little people on holiday, resting, enjoying their own wealth.
Have you noticed how the powerful, rich and wealthy do not send their children into active combat?
Did Mr Bliar send his sons off to Iraq? No.
Did Mr Bush send his daughters off to Iraq or even any of his relatives. Did you find any of them on the front line?
Face it. To the people at the top of the tree we are nothing. We are expendable nothings to boot.
Things only begin to make sense when you consider who is benefiting from the bad things that are happening. It's funny how that tends to coincide with the rich getting richer and poor.......potentially dying.
AS with many things, follow the money trail and you find out who stirred the shit in the first place.