What do you know about 'CHEMTRAILS'?

by Gill 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • jstalin
    THIS Canadian atmospheric scientist warns that chemtrails, airliners and shuttle launches are weakening the stratosphere and destroying Earth’s ozone layer—threatening all life on Earth.

    You guys started out calling these things chemtrails and claiming that they contain some sort of weather-changing goo or biological weapon. That's something COMPLETELY different from saying that the exhaust of airplanes may be causing atmospheric damage. Don't change the subject. So far the only reputable scientist you have been able to point to is doing work on engine emissions and their effect on the atmosphere. Give me a break. You can't then make the leap that this guy supports crackpot chemtrail conspiracies. He's referring to contrails.

    Oh, and quoting a bill introduced by Dennis Kucinich does not qualify as a reputable scientific source. This bill went nowhere. Any member of congress can introduce a bill. If I were a member of congress, I could introduce a bill to declare the sky purple.

  • jstalin

    Alright, I chewed. Under the FAQ page, I found the following:

    What the hell is really going on?

    Some people are reporting what they describe to be unusual activity in the sky, including jets leaving trails at low altitudes, spray lines creating X's, S's and parallel lines, lines that slowly spread to create a canopy of haze, and reports of unusual smells, tastes, and even illness related to the trails.

    Also, a reddish-brown gel, dropped from low-flying aircraft, has been observed by people in the past and was even documented on Unsolved Mysteries. Samples of this substance have been alledgedly analyzed by Margareta-Erminia Cassani and found to be teaming with biological organisms.

    Again, not one citation of reputation. "Some people are reporting..." is not proof. I click on the "analyzed" link and get a web site about UFOs, crop circles, and Area 51. Hmm. Still looking for a reputable source....

  • jstalin

    I'll let you guys in on a little secret. I used to believe this stuff. I bought it all hook, line, and sinker. Then I developed critical thinking skills. They kept saying "look into it, look at the proof!" So I did. There is no proof. Conjecture, crackpots who have been abducted by UFOs and claim to know all about the lizard people and UN conspiracies, Freemasons ruling the world, CIA mind control, trilateral commission, fake moon landing... bla bla bla. I've got news... it's all bullshit. Your efforts to convince me remind me exactly of what I was doing about 10-12 years ago. I finally realized that I was full of crap and believing people who had no credibility whatsoever.

  • Gill

    jstalin - I appreciate everything you say BUT - for reason known neither to man nor beast the US and UK went to war with a virtually unarmed nation and will probably have to remain fighting there for another 20 years.

    For reason known neither to man nor beast, bearing in mind that bio fuels have been used for many years in places like Brazil, AND China and INdia have been full grown economys for a long time, way over a decade, all of a sudden from one minute complaining that more people were dying of obesity than famine, food prices around the world sky rocketed. From too much we went to not enough.

    For reason known neither to man nor beast, because bear in mind here India and China have been full grown economys for years upon years now, oil prices zoomed out of the stratosphere.

    Give me GOOD reasons, and not , oh China and India want to be like us......BS! They have been for over a decade!

    This winter, in the UK, we will be returning to elderly people dying from cold and hunger.

    I say, population Cull.

    Famine will rear its ugly head and it's an excellent way to get rid of the very poor, the very old and the feeble. Hunger, cold, disease and war.

    The cause is WHO?

    All totally avoidable but sadly pre organized I suspect by the very rich who don't want the silly little people getting in their way when they want to drive to their destination. And they don't want to see the silly little people on holiday, resting, enjoying their own wealth.

    Have you noticed how the powerful, rich and wealthy do not send their children into active combat?

    Did Mr Bliar send his sons off to Iraq? No.

    Did Mr Bush send his daughters off to Iraq or even any of his relatives. Did you find any of them on the front line?

    Face it. To the people at the top of the tree we are nothing. We are expendable nothings to boot.

    Things only begin to make sense when you consider who is benefiting from the bad things that are happening. It's funny how that tends to coincide with the rich getting richer and poor.......potentially dying.

    AS with many things, follow the money trail and you find out who stirred the shit in the first place.

  • james_woods

    I don't know how many here have ever achieved their pilot's license, or how many have ever actually owned an aircraft.

    I happen to have done both - and from that perspective, would like to point out one simple thing about my disbelief in this theory:

    Given the fact that an aircraft must be kept as light as possible in order to even fly, and that a major percentage of its loaded weight at takeoff must be the structure of the airframe, the engine systems, and the fuel -

    Where exactly did they put this barium enema that these nefarious villains are supposed to be spewing all over the sky in the first place? Where are all the trainloads of chemicals being loaded into the aircraft? Seems strange to me that nobody even noticed...

  • jstalin

    Gill - your entire post is conjecture. I sympathize with your concerns, but the fact is that it's all conjecture.

  • jgnat
    I appreciate everything you say BUT - for reason known neither to man nor beast the US and UK went to war with a virtually unarmed nation and will probably have to remain fighting there for another 20 years.

    Territory, opportunity, and profit. The oldest reasons in the book.

    For reason known neither to man nor beast, bearing in mind that bio fuels have been used for many years in places like Brazil, AND China and INdia have been full grown economys for a long time, way over a decade, all of a sudden from one minute complaining that more people were dying of obesity than famine, food prices around the world sky rocketed. From too much we went to not enough.

    Feast and famine is normal, and is as old as the world exists. Where are the dinosaurs? Steady prosperity is unusual. Never, never never have I seen a report that suggested that more people are dying from obesity than famine. Still, to this day, more people die from starvation. This is a constant. Obesity is a modern problem of prosperity.

    For reason known neither to man nor beast, because bear in mind here India and China have been full grown economys for years upon years now, oil prices zoomed out of the stratosphere.

    It seems to me that Donkey warned us all this was coming a couple years ago. I hope he made a healthy profit from his foresight. Oil is a finite resource, like diamonds. The price was doomed to rise. The only thing we didn't know was when and how much. The price will drop again when we stop consuming so much.

    The reasons are well known and they are not hidden.

  • Gill
  • Gill

    Sorry Jgnat - another failed link. However, if you google 'more people suffering from obesity than hunger' you should find a few articles from about 2006 on roughtly.

  • chrisjoel
    I'll let you guys in on a little secret. I used to believe this stuff. I bought it all hook, line, and sinker. Then I developed critical thinking skills. They kept saying "look into it, look at the proof!" So I did. There is no proof. Conjecture, crackpots who have been abducted by UFOs and claim to know all about the lizard people and UN conspiracies, Freemasons ruling the world, CIA mind control, trilateral commission, fake moon landing... bla bla bla. I've got news... it's all bullshit. Your efforts to convince me remind me exactly of what I was doing about 10-12 years ago. I finally realized that I was full of crap and believing people who had no credibility whatsoever.

    Jstalin, respect u for stickin to your guns,

    Im just a little fish in a big pond. Sometimes where there's smoke there is fire. Other times its smoke n mirrors.

    Maybe its because I dont trust "anyone" that I try to give SOME ppl the benefit of the doubt when it comes to such things. Obviously crackpots abound. ..far and wide. For example on the subject of UFO's. I dont know a F***ing thing about UFOs. Ive never seen one. But the subject is so intresting that since i work at an airport with former servicemen and pilots anytime I ever got a chance to, I asked pilots, if they ever saw anything strange in the sky. Most of the time pilots having flown thousands of hours said just metorites but occasionally Yes someone would say yeah Ive seen very strange lights I couldnt account for. So what can I say the subject is intresting and so I come to find out there are a ton of ex military officials that want to bring the subject out in the open for discussion. Who the hell am i to argue with former astronauts, chiefs of staff, and generals, politicians. who want to discuss this stuff.

    I came to find out that a UK guy, i think his name is Nick Pope, was the individual actually responsible in UK government for investigating such things. HE -not me- he said of all the investigations his office carried out 93% were successfully explained but 7% defied explanation. Now i just read the stinkin report. How the hell should I know. BUT i like to keep an open mind based on that 7% that defied explanation and why the hell not THAT guy does. If that guy had said 100% were explainable I would have said OK cool ...but he knows better that I do. Now if I was arrogant I would say 100% of UFOs are explainable and anyone believing otherwise is just fooling themselves. Well Im agnostic but how the hell should I know if GOD actually exists. Beats the fuck outta me. So why should I say UFOs are completely bunk. I cant. I cant be that dogmatic because I just dont know for sure.

    I guess all Im saying is I go to work and have my life and dont worry about all the "crazy" stuff out there, but just cause I dont know about it doesnt mean it doesnt exist. Thats all. Im out.

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