Is It Me Or Are The Males of Today More Feminine and/or Nerdy Than Ever B4?

by minimus 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • Indo_Dude
    Ya ya whatevah. My old man was one of those. But in real life one of the biggest pussies I ever know.

    Yup, yup. In this day and age women can be pilots, mechanics, engineers, etc. Men can be flight attendents, fashion designers, receptionists, etc. Fixed gender roles is so last century.

  • str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up
    str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up

    Gender based stereotypes benefit noone. In fact the whole concept of Gender based roles and definitions is laughable.

    I prefer to live in a world where everyone can be exactly as they want to be. Dress as they wish, do what they want.

    Even in the gay world I get ticked off when guys say the don't like 'fem' acting gays and only prefer 'manly' men. Its offensive.

    Open your minds people.

    I, for one, would hate to lose my sparkle.

  • restrangled

    OK, I may have an old fashioned attitude......but you real guys continue with the following:

    Watch your sports, be sloppy, be experts on the grill, enjoy anything cooked for you, take care of the major problems with cars, tell me I look great in my latest dress purchase, be thrilled when money is spent at Victorias seceret, buy my favorite perfume on my birthday, and love my decorating choices...... and guess what? .... you are a dream!!!!


  • IP_SEC

    I cant f@cking stand watching sports. Most boring thing ever. Guess Im not a real man.

  • Indo_Dude

    Wrong Needstrangling. Those are men you like. Not 'real' men.

    It's a lot what your generation used to say back when they/you were young. If it's too loud, you're too old.

  • str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up
    str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up

    And I find it offensive to suggest that men are more 'feminine' or 'nerdy' than ever.

    Perhaps it is just a fact that society has FINALLY evolved to a point that people don't feel the need to wear a facade and pretend to be 'acceptable'.

    Stop trying to fit people into little boxes.

  • restrangled

    Don't like sports,....not a problem,....your even better! Ask any girl!!!!!

  • Jringe01
    Stop trying to fit people into little boxes.

    Exactly...let people be who they can/want to be. it's all about freedom and education folks

  • FlyingHighNow
    Watch your sports, be sloppy, be experts on the grill, enjoy anything cooked for you, take care of the major problems with cars, tell me I look great in my latest dress purchase, be thrilled when money is spent at Victorias seceret, buy my favorite perfume on my birthday, and love my decorating choices...... and guess what? .... you are a dream!!!!

    But you forgot the part where they keep their yellow, jagged toe nails clipped regularly.

  • hillary_step
    Stop trying to fit people into little boxes.

    Given that this is the only historically viable way of establishing a functioning civilization - good luck!

    Those who break down the sides of one box always form another, this is the way that it is. As social evolution progresses, we will just have many more boxes to deal with than you once had, not a bad thing, but boxes all the same.


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