Honestly, if you are going to use ryan Seaquest as an example, I don't think us girls are the ones he's being aimed towards. But then I love David Bowie and George Michael, amongst many types of men.
Is It Me Or Are The Males of Today More Feminine and/or Nerdy Than Ever B4?
by minimus 88 Replies latest jw friends
Real Men don't need any of us to describe what they should be......you know who you are
Take care, and enjoy the appreciation from the girls on this forum.!
I vote they should all look like IP....
Methinks you guys doth protest too much.
Man culture is alive and well, thankyouverymuch. MMA combat as a form of entertainment is exploding in popularity, Chuck Norris is revered as a GOD on the internet, tattoos and extremely loud choppers used to be a fringe subculture but now everybody seems to sporting a half sleeve these days, Arnold fucking SHWARZENEGGER is the governor of California, the last US president was impeached for finger banging a fat chick with a cigar in the oval office and the current president started the biggest armed conflict since Vietnam so that hundreds of thousands of young American men could have the precious opportunity to shoot someone from a wide array of high-horsepower vehicles of death or up close and personal with an M4.
The fact that you guys are so hung up on smooth-chested pretty boys on TV seems to speak more of your own insecurities, if you get my drift. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt. -
seems to speak more of your own insecurities,
Oh i think the title of this thread has to do with insecurities alright. You and I just disagree on who it is that is insecure.
I vote they should all look like IP....
Nice SAG, thanks
What's wrong with a man expressing emotion or being in touch with them? God forbid. I like a "manly man" which to me is a man who's strong, not afraid to cry, not afraid to express his emotions and who does care about how he presents himself. I would rather a man who crys at a movie like P.S. I love you with me than one who sits and cracks jokes about it, because he's too much of a chicken to actually feel anything. I'd call that a wimp ruled by fear of appearances.
Didn't you suffer a moment of fluster, last week? I keep tract, yaknow;)
S -
Longshanks, are you saying it will have to take a gay man to make you feel something?
Sorry it didn't work out for you and JG. Thongs can be a real deal breaker.
- "Most women like to feel like they bring out their boyfriend/husband's sensitive side and that her love made you a better, more sensitive straight guy. But if you're already a weepy bag of slop when you show up for that first date, well, you're not giving her much to work with."
Preston, you've been reading my mind!
The way I see it, a woman DOES NOT want to have a lover who is basically an equal to one of her girlfriends. It's the manly actions and looks that make women attracted to men. I can safely say the same thing about women: it's the feminine qualities that I love about them. Show me a woman who can beat guys up, drink lots of beer and use a chainsaw, and I'll show you a penis that has gone into hiding.
These 'feminine men' are truly disgusting to me. They are a product of a feminine-run society, where a 'proper man' is portrayed as 'sensitive' and 'caring'. There isn't nothing wrong with these traits in themselves, but when they're overabundant in a man, he turns into a whiny little bitch.
Women may complain that they want their man to be more 'sensitive' and 'caring', but it's the rarity of these qualities that makes the men attractive to women. Once the woman gets what she wants, there is nothing interesting to pursue. It may sound messed up, but it's the quest to bring out these qualities that makes the woman satisfied, not the actual posession of them.