Is It Me Or Are The Males of Today More Feminine and/or Nerdy Than Ever B4?

by minimus 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fadeout
    dawg: A real man is a man that knows who HE freaking is, and lives by it... that's a damn man, that and testicles and a penis.

    Yeah I think that pretty much covers it. At least for the term "man" in a positive sense.

    There are plenty of "men" who are a disgrace to the male gender.

    The phrase "pussification of America" has been in use for a while now, at least six years according to a quick google. That would include things like a man taking his wife's last name, passing laws requiring bike riders to wear helmets, or driving a minivan.

  • hillary_step


    But, in my opinion, we have raised a generation of young men who are lacking in a lot of basic skills. like:

    Self worth

    They can fight and die as well as any other generation though.

    The earth is degenerating these days. Bribery and corruption abound. Children no longer mind parents. Every man wants to write a book, and it is evident that the end of the world is approaching fast.

    Assyrian tablet 2800BC.


    A "real man" is someone with testicles and a penis... period!

    Testicles, penis and a period. That is an hemaphrodite, not a "real man".

    Here is where Real Men live:


  • Fadeout

    And for the record, metrosexuality is not by any means a new or modern trend. Other generations simply had different termsfor it.

  • hillbilly

    But, in my opinion, we have raised a generation of young men who are lacking in a lot of basic skills. like:

    Self worth

    They can fight and die as well as any other generation though.

    Point noted H-S.... However, the lack of these traits enables military and government officers of any nation to become war criminals or issue/execute illegal orders.


  • yknot
    Self worth

    Well I am in my 30s and most of my generations grew up when divorce became the norm and not the exception. I would say majority of boys I grew up with had no father figure or male guidance other then a gym teacher.

  • hillbilly
    Well I am in my 30s and most of my generations grew up when divorce became the norm and not the exception. I would say majority of boys I grew up with had no father figure or male guidance other then a gym teacher.

    One of my grandmothers raised 5 kids (2 boys) back in the 40's and '50s...alone. My other grandmother is almost 90 and raised 4 kids (3 boys) with while grandad stayed drunk for 20 years (he finally got sober but it was a struggle).

    Self worth

    I guess back in the day women had these traits too. It really doesnt matter who raises you as long as they have some backbone. Both of my grandmothers held their families together through the Depression and WWII, Korea and "the 60's" I cant tell you how much of an influence and inspiration they have been to me.

    I guess girls are gettin' "pussified" (in a bad way) these days too.


  • yknot
    I guess girls are gettin' "pussified" (in a bad way) these days too.

    Hmmm..... in many ways girls are far more empowered then ever before in history.

    I think there have always been 'delicate' women throughout history. And I don't see that luxury being extended in this day and age to many.

    The important question you have to ask yourself is not "What do I want to be when I grow up?" It is "Who am I?" and "What do I want to do with my life?" And you cannot count on Prince Charming to make you feel better about yourself and take care of you -- like some fun-house mirror that reflects you at twice your real size. Prince Charming may be driving a Honda and telling you that you have no equal, but that won't do you much good when you've got kids and a mortgage -- and he has a beer gut and a wandering eye.

    In the real world, half of all marriages end in divorce. And over 70 percent of divorced women find themselves slipping toward poverty.

    The Late and Great.....Ann Richards

  • d

    Bothe Genders have male and female aspects of themselves.

  • mrsjones5

    I married a nerd but he's all man.

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