Wow Mary, good find! I can't believe I didn't catch this years ago. Ya really got me thinking now.
by Mary 82 Replies latest watchtower bible
Now my head hurts.....trying to make sense of a nonsensical book..........good catch......but done with it.................oompa
Lady Liberty
HOLY COW!!! I cannot wait to share this with my exJW family!!! Great WORK!!!! And thank you so much for sharing!!!!! By the way are you going over to JWSupport?? I sure hope so!!! We need you there too!
Lady Liberty
Thanks Mary! I don't know why the apostles couldn't be judges of a group they're also part of.
AK - Jeff
Interesting find Mary. The part I liked was the mention of sitting in Jim Penton's house last night. Now that I would love to do!
serendipity: Thanks Mary! I don't know why the apostles couldn't be judges of a group they're also part of.
you may be joking about this....but i am not. it makes perfect sense to me.....our jury pool in court and the judge and just like us....citizens and all............oompa
Thanks Mary! I don't know why the apostles couldn't be judges of a group they're also part of.
I guess some of us are getting different things out of this. What really struck me when I first read it was that they were claiming that the "twelve tribes of Israel" mentioned in both Matthew and Luke are referring to the average Joe---not even those of the 'Great Crowd' but "the world of mankind" in general.
If that's the case, then "the world of mankind" must also represent the 144,000 or "spiritual Israel". You can't have it both ways. This of course, would open up huge implications and once again I have to wonder if the bozos in the Writing Dept. ever actually read what they write before it's put to print.
AK-Jeff said: The part I liked was the mention of sitting in Jim Penton's house last night. Now that I would love to do!
It was really fascinating and I could have talked to him for hours. He's very knowledgable naturally, but he most certainly is not conceited or "puffed up with pride" like the Craptower likes to depict anyone with a PhD. I found our views on some major issues were nearly identical.
Ah, next time you come to Canada Jeff, we'll go down and see him.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Thanks Mary!
Great find Mary!
I looked up in the old Aid book and the same info is also there
on page 1615 and that was published in 1971.
Thanks for the interesting info, your post is a keeper!
Thank ray franz and his friends for the aide book.