Read forum rule#5 and #8...............Now your spamming in German..........Keep it up and you will get the boot.....................OUTLAW
by Mary 82 Replies latest watchtower bible
how the fluck did i miss this mary?.......blackouts suck.....i may have even posted but did not read every page....i am really trying to get better.........oomps.....and thanks fti
Your get`n better Oompa.........Don`t beat yourself up...........................OUTLAW
It's 2am. I can't believe I'm reading this at 2am. I think I got 1/2 this. Good Lord, now I'm gonna be up all night thinking about it...
Bookmarked for later... Got to sleep...
worth a BTTT for the noobs...
why are the 12 tribes identified with the 144 000?
they are two different entities.
the 12 tribes COME "OUT OF" the 12 tribes.
the 12 tribes, are the worshippers of God since Jacob. now through Jesus. clearly on Earth.
144 000 bought from, out of, this earthly, but organized, catalogued crowd.
Not only the sealed 144k are the Israel of God, all christians, the 12 tribes are.
All for show
I found this gem, I am using this angle to my spouse out of 'concern' with some of our JW understandings. It started with John 10:16 and our view of the 'other flock'. The inconsistencies with it's reasoning and then this thread on the 144k. This post was written 6 years ago, I looked up the scripture Matt 19:28 on the JW website and found this article written sometime within a year of this post I believe? I would say they read here and were covering their butt? It's this article :
W10 3/15 pg 24-28.
Sorry I can't get it to copy and paste on here.
Jehovahs witnesses can not keep up with what the G.B. said last year let alone going back 6 or more years no matter if it was written down or verbally.Its old light .
This is an interesting one to pull out at an opportune time. The insight book explanation is old light and has been since that WT yet I don't remember this change ever being picked up by anyone when this was studied or mentioned in subsequent reviews of changes published by the WTS. Thanks for resurrecting this thread.