When I was reading the bible finally with clear eyes, I was dumbstruck by how simple the little flock/other sheep thing is. The little flock is Israel. The other sheep are non Jews. Doh!!
by Mary 82 Replies latest watchtower bible
Also one may want to look at Rev 5:9-10 this is where they teach that the 144k would be kings and rule over the earth. When one looks at the scripture in verse 9 its clear these scriptures are talking about the great crowd and in greek verse 10 says they are not kings and are on the earth not Over it. Its amazing what one can learn when one just reads the bible and doesn't just have people tell them what it says. -
Fascinating thread.
The way that the WTS will twist the Bible to fit their views is extraordinary. In fact this quote here reminds me of them:
The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit the views.