Matthew Makes Another Error

by JosephAlward 109 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • pomegranate

    Bizarre to you, interesting to others.

    Oh, and here's a link to all his interesting stuff. Why wait for him to post when you can immerse yourself in his web site?? What he posts here is all over there!!!:


  • Moxy
    Bizarre to you, interesting to others.

    ill grant you that. this is about as 'interesting' as the bible code guy.

    im familiar with joes website. however, as you yourself have taken great pains to point out, his posts here are not precisely the same as the original essays. besides, having them posted here allows comment and elaboration from all on different (and hopefully reasoned) points of view.


  • pomegranate

    >>as you yourself have taken great pains to point out, his posts here are not precisely the same as the original essays.<<

    Yes. He contradicts himself. Gotta love it.

    >>this is about as 'interesting' as the bible code guy.<<

    Now THAT'S manipulating, mine's revealing.

  • pomegranate

    Noah first let's out a raven, then a dove, then a dove again. How many days did Noah wait between sending out the birds? Seven.


    One of these things is not like the other.
    Trash the black bird.

    Hmmm. There's that 77 again.

    Remember Jesus OWN words?

    Matt 18:22
    22 Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times." (Remember Genesis 4:24?)

    Mr. 77 (77 JESUS CHRIST) tells it like it really is. Kewl huh? (And LOOK MA!!! NO CODE!!!)

  • pomegranate

    Regarding Jacob:

    Work seven years, gets Leah.
    Work seven years, gets Rachel.



    Jesus Christ again.

    Do you think the Jews knew to look for #77?

    Sure did.

    How many seven's visually make up 77? Two.

    Two seven's

    2 7's

    27 Books in the New Testament.

  • pomegranate

    But where does the two seven's (7 7), and three sevens (77 7)generate from? Surely there must be a source.

    I believe it is here, in the beginning:

    Gen 2:2-3
    2 By the seventh day God (YHWH Son) had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.

    3 And God (YHWH Father) blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

    YHWH Father = 7
    YHWH Son = 77

    YHWH Father and YHWH Son = 777

  • Bang

    Pom, you write.

    Another MAIN point of this? God is two, not one, not three. TWO. Two beings with the SAME NAME (YHWH), just like the two Lamechs in the beginning, just the like two Mattathias's and Joseph's above. TWO with the SAME NAME, but different beings. It bolsters the truth, YHWH is TWO.

    I'll have to say that there's three. Two and God, like with marriage, two that are one and God - 'these three agree' and so on - but nevertheless, he who blasphemes against the son still keeps forgiveness - the vessels contained two or three metrice a piece - two or three witnesses. i.e. muslims aren't damned etc.


  • Abaddon

    Isn't it wonderful that in all this tap dancing on the head of a pin, pomegranate strains out the gnat and swallows down the camel? ARe you too busy playing with your calculator to actually think about the scriptures you quote;

    "...punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me"

    Tell you what, you kneel at the feet of that disgusting blood-stained tribal diety who punishes the innocent. I'll just stare in amasement.

    Let's make a big fat assumption in the face of no evidence, let's assume that this god actually exists.

    Do you consider worshipping a god who punishes innocent people to be in any way morally justifiable?

    Isn't it a little like worshipping Hitler just so he doesn't punish you?

    Faced with worshipping such a being or being punished by such a being, I'd go with the being punished any day. I have some morals.

    Being god does not automatically give one the right to be worshipped. One has to earn the worship by one's qualitites. And child murderers and accesories to the rape of children don't have those qualities, not even if they did make the Universe.

    If this is the nature of god, can we believe what it says about Satan in this being's propoganda tract? Maybe Satan is not a terrorist, but is actually a freedom fighter!

    Of course, that sounds absurd. But then so is your idea of god Pom. Make sure you wipe the blood off when you get off your knees!!

    Of course Pom, you probably have some distorted jusitification for worshipping such a being...

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • pomegranate

    >>Tell you what, you kneel at the feet of that disgusting blood-stained tribal diety who punishes the innocent. I'll just stare in amasement.<<

    No one is innocent. Just like you. You're as guilty as sin too.

    >>Let's make a big fat assumption in the face of no evidence, let's assume that this god actually exists.<<

    No evidence? Did you pass your bowels today? There is a God.

    >>Do you consider worshipping a god who punishes innocent people to be in any way morally justifiable?<<

    There is no such thing as innocent people. People are born guilty.

    >>Isn't it a little like worshipping Hitler just so he doesn't punish you?<<

    No, Hitler didn't give me my life, so your example is in the dumpster.

    >>Faced with worshipping such a being or being punished by such a being, I'd go with the being punished any day. I have some morals.<<

    Maybe you'll get your wish, and you having morals is you blowing your own horn.

    >>Being god does not automatically give one the right to be worshipped.<<

    From what book does that come from? The book of YOU? Only a false "god" would make such an ignorant statement.

    >>One has to earn the worship by one's qualitites.<<

    Yeah. Right. The one who gave the life is instantly deserving of the worship. Yet you piss on the life giver?

    >>And child murderers and accesories to the rape of children don't have those qualities, not even if they did make the Universe.<<

    Really? God gives life but has has no right to take it away if He so desires for those that piss on Him? You're bass akwards. Every single time life was extinguished in the Bible, God was fully warranted and justified. (Show me God being an accessory to raping children.)

    >>If this is the nature of god, can we believe what it says about Satan in this being's propoganda tract? Maybe Satan is not a terrorist, but is actually a freedom fighter!<<

    Yeah baby. You just made you line in the sand. You sure you like that side of it?

    >>Of course, that sounds absurd.<<

    No it doesn't. You believe it to be true.

    >>But then so is your idea of god Pom. Make sure you wipe the blood off when you get off your knees!!<<

    The only blood on my knees is my own.

    >>Of course Pom, you probably have some distorted jusitification for worshipping such a being...<<

    Well, it's called people like you. Are you distorted?

    >>People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...<<

    Then, put down your rocks.

  • d0rkyd00d

    not to jump in on this, cuz i'm completely unedumucated when it comes to the Bible chat, but pom just used a technique used by jehovah's witnesses every watchtower, book, tract, etc. Simply pick apart, sentence by sentence, whatever something says, instead of looking at the whole picture. Witnesses like picking part of a scripture that fits whatever they hell they are talking about, and smackin it down in a book to prove they are right. However, ur missing the bigger picture pom.

    Why would God yearn for the attention and worship of a bunch of sinners? I would be content as the greatest being in the universe if my creation loved me, i wouldn't give a rat's ass if they worshipped me. If i gave them the right to free thought, i woudn't punish them for using it. what was the point of giving it to them in the first place? It's people who pick and tug at the bible who make it what they want it to be that are the real sinners, distorting "God's word". Seriously pom, get a life. Already have one? Get a refund. Cuz your monkey busines is getting kinda boring. You have no arguments. You change the subject when you are cornered. give it up already.

    "No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."

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