Yea Warlock, I know nothing, that's why I just got admitted to grad school... you're a dumb ass Warlock you don't know me nor what I know and you've added nothing to this conversation because you're too shallow to add anything... piss off!
Joe the Plumber
by BurnTheShips 108 Replies latest social current
Skeeter 1: "Is a true flat tax fair?
The gasoline excise tax is a flat tax. Every gallon has a flat tax.
Guess what? The gas tax is the most unfair to the poor and most fair to the rich."
I read your posts to some of these threads and usually just shake my head in wonderment at some of the ignorant things you say, but this one tops the cake. The gasoline excise tax has nothing in common with flat tax. A flat tax is usually spoken of in reference to income tax and seeks to tax a PERCENTAGE OF WHAT YOU MAKE. This means that if you make less money, you are taxed less, but you are still taxed at that same percentage as everyone else. This makes taxation fair, rather than allowing the rich to jump through tax law loopholes to pay a much lower percentage of their income. Ignorance does not have to turn into stupidity if you choose to educate yourself. Please don't attempt to defend your statement as it is glaringly deficient. Try picking up a book once in a while, or try listening to something other than Sean Hannity or his ilk...I have heard that if you turn off the radio or TV when Hannity comes on you automatically restore brain cells.
exjdub -
Also, I add, I don't trust Obama to hold at 39%. I think he'll be forced to go much higher
I do not trust him to do so either, an overview of his legislative history demonstrates that he is essentially a raiser, not cutter, of taxes. This is not what we need.
A flat tax is usually spoken of in reference to income tax and seeks to tax a PERCENTAGE OF WHAT YOU MAKE. This means that if you make less money, you are taxed less, but you are still taxed at that same percentage as everyone else. This makes taxation fair, rather than allowing the rich to jump through tax law loopholes to pay a much lower percentage of their income. Ignorance does not have to turn into stupidity if you choose to educate yourself.
Actually, exjdub, it is you that ought to "educate yourself."
As you said, a flat tax "seeks to tax a percentage of what you make." Somehow, you believe that "this makes taxation fair, rather than allowing the rich to jump through tax law loopholes to pay a much lower percentage of their income . . ."
How do we determine what constitutes "what you make?" The legislature will certainly have a hand in that process, and that hand is powered by the money that keeps legislators in office. Certain transactions that result in cash flow for the rich will not be characterized as part of "what you make." The devil is in the details, and given who the legislators are owned by, you can plan on the details favoring the haves over the have-nots.
"Educate yourself" before denigrating others.
Plumbers "Cracking" the Case for Truth
Joe the Plumber is a fake, and he is Trig's real birthmother.
hemp lover
So I take it he's not "everyman" to you anymore? That was a short-lived affair.
If you learn the tax will start your own small business as a subchapter S or even a C corp......enough said.
Perhaps I wasn't clear enough in my explanation. Of course I know that your flat tax is based off of hard work, sweat earnings; and not a gallon of gas.
What I was trying to say is that the "real" value of each additional dollar of income to a person declines in absolute terms as the person's income increases. This is called the "declinging marginal utility of money" concept. In other words, a $500 suit is not expensive to Donald Trump as it is to a JW pioneer. So, a 30% tax on the poor would be more burdensome than a 30% tax on Donald Trump. The poor person can barely afford the necessities of life (electric bill, clothing, food, gas, etc.). As a result, purported "flat tax" systems have exemptions for the poor or exemptions for the basic necessitites. The result is that the "flat tax" is just a type of gross income tax.
Our income tax started out as a tax for the rich. If I remember right without having to research, the 1914ish tax was 10% after the first $10,000 of income. The Constitutional Amendment was passed using the "class warfare" type argument. It was originally only supposed to apply to those darn wealthy folks.
Over time, people's incomes rose and more money was needed for the federal government. Remember, taxes just feed the government spending monster. By WWII, it was thought of as "patriotic" to pay taxes.
Our income tax system is so complicated, in part, becuase it improperly tries to execute other agenda within it. Energy, social welfare, penalizing executive compensation (dreaded 409A), etc. Energy for example. It would be much more effective to mandate green cars by 2010 then to use the tax code 'in the hopes' that the US population migrates to green cars.
Getting back to gas taxes (which I was originally thinking of because I write a report on them a few years back)...Here's what I found out in 2001 (per the Tax Foundation). Those making less than $20,000, paid $5,067,342 in federal gas taxes, compared with $5,225,877 for those making more than $200,000. For the poor group, the federal excise tax "cost them" almost 1% of their income. But, for the rich group, it was only .371%.
Our income tax system is so complicated, in part, becuase it improperly tries to execute other agenda within it.
Social engineering. When Gibson moderated the debate between Obama and Clinton during the primaries, Obama said it didn't matter whether lowering taxes raised government revenue (it has in the past), it was for "fairness". I guess it isn't fair to let people keep what they earn, revenues be damned. Socialist engineering.
And yes, regarding gasoline, excise taxes are usually regressive.