I was involved in Church of one kind or another for years but I was truely born again in 99 and recieved the baptism of the Holy Ghost. This was made possible by a full, life altering, broken before God repentance. Then the Lord revealed to me the importants of obedience to His Word. Acts 2:38 gave me the prescription and I thank God to this day I took it. One of the posters said their first birth was a mess, I believe if the second one is real, it's a mess too.....but its worth the blood, sweat and tears! I honestly can't blame some of the posters for being bitter, I put no judgement on them. It seems to me that the false teachers that drove them to bitterness will face a much harsher judgement anyway. At least they are honest.
Any "Born Again" Christians here?
by sacolton 108 Replies latest jw friends
Hi, Topsy.
Second death - complete nothingness.
On second thought, why do you ask, TopHat?
Do you wish to see me there?
I fear that's where you're headed if you don't cease impugning the integrity of The Chosen One!
Just kidding you, girl.
Deputy Dog
I believe what the Holy Scriptures teach.
In order to gain truth and life, all will have to accept Him.
My bible says "believe on Him"
Those who reject Him, with full undersstanding of what they're doing...
Can you show me a verse in the bible that says this? If full understanding is the problem, just don't explain it. That way, no one will be cast into the lake of fire.
Second death - complete nothingness.
Again, can you show where the bible teaches this? Chapter and verse, please.
So what makes being "born again" better than the Witnesses or any other religion...
It's not a religion. Religion is about doing.
Being born again, is about being brought to life spiritually. Like physical life, it's a gift.
"My teachings and my miracles... They have been assigned to me by the Father, and they testify that the Father has sent me. And the Father himself has also testified about me. You have never heard his voice or seen him face to face, and you do not have his message in your hearts, because you do not believe me -- the one he sent to you. You search the Scriptures because you believe they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me! Yet you refuse to come to me so that I can give you this eternal life." (John 5:36-40)
If you were born into a "Christian" faith and have always believed do you need to 'born again' or did that happen when you at some point in your childhood it was written in your heart?
Second death - complete nothingness.
Again, can you show where the bible teaches this? Chapter and verse, please
DD, TopHat asked my opinion of what the Lake of Fire is. I gave it to her. What's your opinion?
In order to gain truth and life, all will have to accept Him .
My bible says "believe on Him"
Those who reject Him, with full undersstanding of what they're doing ...
Can you show me a verse in the bible that says this? If full understanding is the problem, just don't explain it. That way, no one will be cast into the lake of fire.
Revelation chapters 20, 21, and 22 have a lot to say about the Lake of Fire, accepting and rejecting, not just believing. The below is just a sample.
From The Message Bible:
Revelation 22: 6 -7 The Angel said to me, "These are dependable and accurate words, every one. The God and Master of the spirits of the prophets sent his Angel to show his servants what must take place, and soon. And tell them, 'Yes, I'm on my way!' Blessed be the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book."
8 -9 I, John, saw all these things with my own eyes, heard them with my ears. Immediately when I heard and saw, I fell on my face to worship at the feet of the Angel who laid it all out before me. He objected, "No you don't! I'm a servant just like you and your companions, the prophets, and all who keep the words of this book. Worship God!"
10 -11 The Angel continued, "Don't seal the words of the prophecy of this book; don't put it away on the shelf. Time is just about up. Let evildoers do their worst and the dirty-minded go all out in pollution, but let the righteous maintain a straight course and the holy continue on in holiness."
12 -13 "Yes, I'm on my way! I'll be there soon! I'm bringing my payroll with me. I'll pay all people in full for their life's work. I'm A to Z, the First and the Final, Beginning and Conclusion.
14 -15 "How blessed are those who wash their robes! The Tree of Life is theirs for good, and they'll walk through the gates to the City. But outside for good are the filthy curs: sorcerers, fornicators, murderers, idolaters—all who love and live lies.
16 "I, Jesus, sent my Angel to testify to these things for the churches. I'm the Root and Branch of David, the Bright Morning Star."
17 "Come!" say the Spirit and the Bride.
Whoever hears, echo, "Come!"
Is anyone thirsty? Come!
All who will, come and drink,
Drink freely of the Water of Life!18 -19 I give fair warning to all who hear the words of the prophecy of this book: If you add to the words of this prophecy, God will add to your life the disasters written in this book; if you subtract from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will subtract your part from the Tree of Life and the Holy City that are written in this book.
20 He who testifies to all these things says it again: "I'm on my way! I'll be there soon!"
Yes! Come, Master Jesus!
21 The grace of the Master Jesus be with all of you. Oh, Yes!
Snowbird, as you stated that's your opinion of what the lake of fire is. So I gather that you don't adhere to a literal translation of the Bible. Where then do you draw the line between what is literal and what is metaphorical? Who is the "expert" that has the correct answer and how can we know for certain that their interpretation is the right one? Seems to me that's why we have so many Christian denominations - which of them is right? By the way, in MY opinion complete nothingness doesn't seem like a very scary punishment. What's to fear in that?
So as not to hijack this thread...http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/167072/1.ashx
A "lake of fire" doesn't sound like love to me. Why use words which imply punishment and suffering if it's about love? Those words instill fear not love. Toe the line or you will be thrown into the lake of fire. Wow, what love!