Any "Born Again" Christians here?
by sacolton 108 Replies latest jw friends
I recall the very day my life changed for ever. I had been praying incessantly to God everyday asking him for answers to questions I no longer could find answers too. Why was I so unhappy, why was I feeling like a microbe under a telescope all the time, why did my mom and sister always get on my case about my spirituality. I had been praying to God for years day in and day out. But never recieved an answer. This one particular day was a really bad day. I had had words with my ex husband and he just left to go out in the service like he did day in and day out night and day. Well I was at the ends of my ropes and was ready to explode literally. The tears were streaming down my face as I sat in the bath tub conversing with God. Then all of a sudden something happened, I can't describe what it was exactly, but all of a sudden I felt like I was being held and my tears stopped and a calmness came over my entire body as if I had chills going all through me. I wasn't cold, but feeling wonderfully warm inside. I got out of the tub, and it was as if I knew each and every step I needed to take to leave the WTS and my husband of 28years, who was a con, sneak, sly of fox, manipulative, hurtful, spiteful, cruel, liar, and he blamed me for every thing. I had two breakdowns while married to him. He emotional, and mentally destroyed my core being.
But no more, I now knew what to do. It was as if the hand of God was pushing me all the way....So first of all I began purging. Like I said my ex was in service day and night so I could get this cleaning and packing done in a couple of days. I spoke to my doctors and a lawyer and with their help I entered into a shelter on Christmas eve 99. At first everything was so strange and different for me. Yet Christmas wasnt' new to me as I was13 years old when my father and mother converted to the JW's , Drifting away from my story here, I had met this most wonderful man, who would become my second husband. His name was Marco. I lost him last summer and now am a widow.
Now as a few year went by I hadn't thought of getting involved in any faith. As far as I was concerned believeing was suffice I felt. But every nowand then I would get this pushing feeling that it was as if God was wanting me to be somewhere. I kind of ignored for a while but it kept getting stronger and stronger and then I realized I think God is telling me something. I mentioned in an earlier thread I was raised an Anglican by my Grandma, my parents didn't involve themselves in any religion as my father was to busy being an drunken alcoholic and my mother was a beat nik and was in bennys uppers and downers. So my Grandma was most influential in my early years. She was my mentor my friend, my grandma, I loved her so much. We'd go to church all the time. I was to be confirmed when my father finally stopped drinking and my mother stopped using drugs an they wanted something in their lives and guess what that was ? yep JWS, what luck. What could I do. Anyways I see I got side stepped again, I felt this urgency to get back to my roots. The Anglican Church. I know that is not like being born again like in the context that is used in the discussion here. But my rebirth from the ashes is like my finding myself all over again, The day I walked into the Anglican Church the Rev'd was at the door and I asked her if I could speak to her. I told her of my journey and I said for some unknown reason it has brought me right through the front doors of this beautiful small church. I told her I don't know why or for what reason I am here, I think God has a plan for me. I am not sure what it is yet but I believe I will know some day. I told her I felt like God's angels were pushing me into the church the power was so over whelming. She just smiled and said well Terry, "Welcome to St. Paul's Church", and I have been there ever since. And although that orginal Rev'd is gone, we have a new priest and he is amazing.
I have just been appointed Editor and chief of the Churches Newsletter. And I am now a Lay Reader. I feel as if God is blessing me at everyturn. Our Lord has made many changes in my life for me. I am completely opiate free after 8years. I have been blessed with gifts that I never expected. And blessing keep coming to me and all I can say is if this is being born again, then I guess I can say yes I am born again. I know by the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that we gain salvation and eternal life and that is indeed the gift of God for the people of God. Blessing to all
Ok Guys now that you have come out.
We know who you are.
Don't stay stuck on stupid. Lets begin the journey. Quit the republican party and start usiing your noodle.
God gave it to you. Find out who he is.
I'll help you out read the bible take notes and reflect on what you have read.
Wake up.
Come out of the trance.
Shake off the godspell, Gospell.
Socrates said the unexamined life is not worth living.
Think, be in the moment make sense of the bible when you read it.
If you do that you wont be Christian long.
Come on the journey.
you just told us all, you're in day care.
sign up for kindergarten.
I've read the bible cover to cover 5 times and not the new world translation.
I took notes and compared them. I went back and reflected on them.
The bible is not what you think it is. It is full of errors and contradictions.
I have been saved 100 times and it doesnt take.
Because there is nothing to be saved from.
I never did anyting wrong.
I am good and I am telling you you can be good.
But the first step you need to take is quit being stupid.
Stupid is not good.
You dont need a savior.
You just need to start thinking.
It probably will hurt at first.
And if you hear a big bang.
Dont be alarmed, its only your head coming out of your axx.
And if you need a savior why not one of the previous messiahs born to virgins.
How about Krishna or Herclues.
Why go with Johny come lately.
And if Jesus was born to a virgin, maybe Mary was artifically inseminated by aliens/ Gods.
The main thing is read your bible and think about what you read and you will be on your way.
Just start thinking.
The first step could be quit the republican party.
I know its only a baby step.
But what about Bob.
I think that ALL people who are Christians, that is, those who have repented of their previous sins, truly accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior, have become "born again". Actually, the Greek says, "born from above", and it's kind of ambiguous there at John 3:3,7 and can either mean "born again" or "born from above". Either way, it means basically a spiritual rebirth. You can read the passage of scripture at John 3:1-21.
ynot said: If you were born into a "Christian" faith and have always believed do you need to 'born again' or did that happen when you at some point in your childhood it was written in your heart?
My personal belief is that if one is already raised as a Christian, it doesn't necessarily mean that the child became born again. Any child can go through the motions so to speak without having a personal faith of their own. For example, after I left the WT, I had 3 children. My eldest, went to church with me and said he was born again. But he's 32 now, and as an adult, he hasn't found his personal faith yet. My next son, found his personal faith right away, and he's 22 now, married and a member of the Presbyterian church. My youngest, was really on fire for her Christianity, but it waned as she got to be about 18. She's in college now, and it will be up to her to find her own way with her faith. I can't do it for her and all I can do is pray for my kids. I just know that they have their Christian foundation tht I taught to them, and whatever they do with it is strictly up to them.
That's a very interesting scripture Brymitchmom
Strangely enough, something I was reading recently reminded me of those verses (John3:3,7) and I was amazed to discover that one could apply them from lots of different perspectives, even an atheistic one.
Ynot said:
Okay......so what if you happened to start off in a KH that pished-poshed the WTS mediator doctrine and taught Jesus was the mediator of all who professed, believed, and submitted (while maintaining the literal 144,000)? Do you really need to be 'born-again' if from before you could remember you believed or is that for people who didn't grow up believing in salvation via Christ?
Well I think that depends on which Jesus one believes in. The Watchtower's "Jesus" is one that is AKA Michael the archangel, and the Bible doesn't teach that Jesus and Michael are the same person. I think the Watchtower's relegation of Jesus to a created being is horrible lie. Are there KH's who teach that Jesus is mediator for all? But do they also teach that Jesus is a lesser person than the Father?
I still think that being born again or born from above is a spiritual rebirth that a person experiences and I believe that one must realize who the real Jesus is.
Halcyon, you asked:
"And how would I know if I was born again?"
It looks like you answered your own question earlier in your post. I would say this was your "defining moment":
"I felt an assurance of salvation inside me that I'd never felt before."
"...being persuaded of this very thing, that the One having begun a good work in you will finish it until the day of Jesus Christ..." - Phil. 1:6