"I had (near drowning ) as an 8 year old showed to me what pure love and compassion feel like, it is to this place in time I constantly seek to return !".... Interesting. Sounds like a good topic for a thread.
Any "Born Again" Christians here?
by sacolton 108 Replies latest jw friends
I had to get an important job done, so I've been away for a minute or two.
Poppers, it's in our nature to inquire about the future. I thank God that He has indulged us with a road map.
TopHat, I thought we were fighting; thank you for enlightening me that we were not.
SAC, Caliber, et al, it's a great feeling knowing that the Master has your back.
OUTLAW: So if I don`t believe in Jesus as my mediator,I`m going to a Firey Lake?????.....
That plus the fact you are a kicked to the curb JW...that's 2 strikes... I think that's all the leeway 'god' allows. You are done for! Enjoy Cancun while you can.
Cameo-D..Actually I can go back anytime..Never been D/F or D/A..I`m simply really,really,really inactive!!..LOL!!..I could go back and become an Elder very quickly..I`m "Adorable",who could resist??!!..LOL!!.............................
What is the old saying? Never discuss religion with your friends? I can't remember the rest.
"Poppers, it's in our nature to inquire about the future. I thank God that He has indulged us with a road map." .... Perhaps it's this need to know about the future that prevents us from fully experiencing now, the only time there really is, where life is actually lived and experienced. It is the nature of the mind to look for answers to solve problems, but does that mean the answer to the mystery and transcendent nature of God will be found in ideas in the mind, ideas that are subject to change? How reliable is the mind in finding answers to the transcendent? This whole thing about God and being "born again" begs several questions: Who is this "me", and what does the word "God" point to? Where is this "me" to be found that needs to be born again to be "saved"? Is it the body, is it in the mind? Who am I, really? What is found when the "me" is actually sought? Can you find "Snowbird" to be anything other than a bundle of thought forms that are identified with and are subject to change? If we don't know who or what we really are how can we even approach what the word "God" points to? It seems to me that our first responsibility is to actually discover who/what we really are beyond whatever unchallenged assumptions we have about our nature. What is found of "me" when thoughts about "me" and thoughts of "God" aren't arising in the mind? Do you have the courage to set aside "road maps" that have been written by others and simply find out for yourself what's true? Minds seek answers and the personal sense of self identifies with what it believes is true and rejects and creates separation from what it believes isn't true, but seldom is this personal sense of self even questioned. It wants certainty because it fears what it doesn't know, so it takes comfort in clinging to a set of beliefs to provide that certainty. It's better to live life with a set of beliefs no matter how bizarre others may think of them than facing life raw and naked of any ideas or beliefs, such is the mindset of the personal sense of self.
I'll repost here as this seems to be the more active thread:
You can't exactly call me "born again", but about a year before I attended my last meeting, I was sitting in my house doing a bunch of bible reading out of various translations. NOT WT publications, straight bible reading. And I remember it occurred to me at one point that I needed to thank Jesus for saving me, because I was so not deserving of salvation. So I prayed a very non-traditional, non JW type prayer, very personal, that to me felt sorta like a born-again moment, and ever since then it really feels like that moment in my life was a turning point. From that point forward I felt more blessed than I had ever felt before in my life. I felt an assurance of salvation inside me that I'd never felt before. And I felt God's presence in a very positive way. It seems my fear of displeasing God was washed away, and truly, I've held on to that feeling ever since.
I have since read literature on Born-agains, and I didn't say the words they say you're supposed to say, but I feel like for all intents and purposes, I stumbled across the "action" behind the words.
And since then I started feeling a growing obsession with finding and taking communion somewhere. It felt growingly urgent and necessary, due to my previous beliefs surrounding partaking (which I could NEVER do at a KH, and be SEEN and TALKED ABOUT and leave my LIPSTICK on the glass and be COUNTED for it!). I have no idea if feeling a conviction of a heavenly future is a born-again thing as well. But it's all part of my own spiritual journey.
I guess I'm so used to something being labeled, "yes, that IS" or "NO, that isn't" ... can anyone tell me if this is sorta along the lines of born again? And how would I know if I was born again? -
(Double post) SORRY!
That was wonderfully written. I believe you have experienced the same as those who are born-again. God bless!
I am a Christian. God saw fit to save me on Aug. 25, 1991. I know because I was there.
I am "born-again", "adopted", "regenerated", "justified", and "grafted". These and other terms are used to describe how a person is taken from spiritual death and made spiritually alive. The term "born again" has a lot of baggage in the minds of secular XJWs that they have brought over from their JW days.
Jesus said that one must be born again. The transformation from being a son/daughter of Adam to a son/daughter of God is a dramatic change, just like birth is a dramatic change. All the other terms I listed above have dramatic change in view also. I think God wanted us to understand just how dramatic this event is.