As of tomorrow I will no longer be a JW

by passwordprotected 73 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    neatly observed - banks have historically proven return on investment and are <generally> to the public good - religion has no such legitimacy IMHO

    I don't want to hijack Marks victory thread (slap) so I won't pontificate on the human condition, except to say that family appeasement is a question of degree, and freedoms, such as religion, do not belong on that list, again IMHO

    EDIT - the above post was made by Besty.

  • PopeOfEruke

    Hello Mark, respectfully, I'm interested in why you still feel the need to worship? For me at least, leaving the JW's after having been raised in it, has left me with nothing but hatred for organised religion, the whole lot of them. God and Jesus mean nothing to me anymore. Just figments of our primitive ancestors imaginations.... But for you, not? The JW's haven't killed the desire to believe in God out of you? Cheers! Pope

  • passwordprotected

    @pope - I worship because I believe, I always have. I'm grateful that the WTS haven't killed off my belief in God and I fully understand those who are embittered and angry because of WTS abuse.

  • Dogpatch

    PP SAYS,

    Jey Burrows told me that he agonised for a longtime about DAing because of the impact it would have on his father. On the night he handed in his letter he phoned his dad and told him what he'd done. His father's reply was, "I no longer have a son." Jey said he knew he'd done the right thing.

    SICK! These lame conditional dads really bug me. Something about being that embarrassed and ashamed of your own flesh and blood, who you KNOW means no harm, seems to me to be a very self-destructive course for them to take. I pity his dad, he must be a miserable shell of a man by now.

    Go Jey!! Be to others what your dad could not have the courage to be to you.


  • ninja

    hey randolpho......the jey mark is talking of is jeffrey burrows...the guy who gets the credit for calling the JW's the borg way back....he gets a mention in this discussion in may 2001...

  • jgnat

    Thanks for taking the time to describe your process for leaving, and congratulations for handling it so well. It just goes to show there is no one way for leaving. Every exiting JW can carve their own path.

    There's a place for fading, for leaving without bowing to the process, for leaving with a bang, and for a quick and gentle exit like yours.

    I've bookmarked this thread. It's powerful.

  • ninja

    hey besty thanks for the advice mate......but just as I made my own mind up about the JW's.....I will also make my own mind up whether to da/df or's good to have freeminds isn't it?

  • Borgia

    Hi Mark,

    Making decisions is your own privilege and by the looks of it, you've handed it ok. I'm not at all amazed about the fact that these elders had tears in their eyes but nevertheless did not give you enough room to undermine their shaky foundations....You must have been a well appreciated person before that. It may also show how "mature" these elders have taken it, and kept to the script along the lines of 2 Tim 2:23 (+24) making parting of ways easier.

    As you said, it not diminishes the fact that they are deluded....

    Congrats on your exit. I'm glad for you and your wife. Enjoy your freedom.



  • Aculama

    Mark, God bless you Brother for your stand. You chose God's Word over man's organization and He will bless you for it. They are the true apostates and you owe them nothing. According to the scripture you are the head of your home ( in love under Christ, of course ) and they have no right to address your wife. The book of Jude explains who these men are and you are not facing their flesh, it is the spirit behind their false teaching your showdown is with. God will be glorified through the stand you make. Our prayers are with you. Remember, don't play by their rules, live by God's Word. I'm praying a double portion of God's Holy Ghost Power on your life!

  • sacolton

    Before I became a Jehovah's Witness, my parents raised us in a Methodist religion. The services were very exciting with LIVE MUSIC. Oh! Let me tell you, when they strike up the band with gospel music - the room just SWELLS with blissful emotion. Fast forward to the first JW congregation meeting and the contrast over what I grew up with and then listening to the plinking sounds of music on a CD-ROM over mono speakers. I was SHOCKED! It felt so wrong and awkward, but I said nothing. If you haven't been to a church with live music - you are missing out on a glorious performance that up-lifts your spirit.

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