Anti Christ - With the greatest respect, I do NOT believe this stuff, as you put it.
BUT, there are people who DO believe and practice this stuff and some of these are the movers and shakers of this world who have control over what happens on this planet. It is useful to know what THEY believe and see the patterns and foot prints of THEIR beliefs. They are certainly NOT my own beliefs and I feel sorry for these people who are consumed with Luciferianism/ Satanism, elitism, etc.
Bear in mind here that there are patterns in the beliefs, practices, objectification of these people of power and they have no loyalty to any of us, or any nation, or any religion.....only themselves.
What is interesting about the JWs, the WTBTS etc is their roots.......the Russells.
The Russell foundation was also responsible for the setting up of the Skull and Bones Organization.
Funny that 'New World ORder' and 'One World Government' is part of their common language.
And many of us here on this board have wondered about;'What is it with a green bible?'
As I said, repeating 'their' beliefs does not mean that I share their beliefs.
First Know Your Enemy!