I don't "need it to be " anything. It is what it is.
The Luciferian Green Bible Cover of the NWO Translation
by Gill 52 Replies latest watchtower scandals
How can the obvious occultic origins of the WTBTS be BS?
If you can explain that.....I'll be fascinated.
Has it become 'politically incorrect' to state the obvious about this corrupt organization?
I too, at the beginning of my studies about four years ago wanted to believe that everything was as I knew it to be. But start studying, history, the occult and esoteric meanings that exist all around us, and suddenly the world is a very different place.
People need to believe things that make them comfortable......but what if your comfort zone is just a lie?
I was not being patronizing in saying what I said, but you might like to accept that perhaps a lot of things are not what we think they are and this is a very uncomfortable place to be in life.
OK, I accept the green bible as being Luciferian Green. Embarrassingly dumb......
Maybe the Bibles were green to remind Franz, Knorr, and the other Bethel reptilians of their original skin color, before they went into disguise in human bodies.
Minimus - It is not meant to be written in stone, simply accepted as a possibility. Why a green bible? A question asked here several times in the past.
But, the WT is like many secret societys a multi layered organization with more an more being revealed the furthur up the ladder one gets.
The humble publisher knows nothing about the unfortunate fact that they are serving a book publishing company with bizarre occultic beginnings.
The humble Elder or MS, is beginning to get a sniff that something is not quite right in paradise.
The CO and DO know that the smell they smell is of something rotton but how to escape and organization you have given up your life, education, financial security for etc
Then the Bethel level is one of layers also. The furthur up you get the more rotton the smell. Ray Franz revealed that.
But, getting back to 'green', something was never quite right in paradise, and I suggest the very roots of this organization was occultic.
That is ALL,
I don't believe all JWs are Satanists, luciferians etc. Just the organization, plain and simple is bad, corrupting, abusive and all and all unpleasant.
I don't think you'll disagree with that too much.
Sir82 - funny you should say that as the origins of the green man are just that.....SET, green skinned God, also known as Satan?
Awakened at Gilead
Do you want to know what they said in Gilead about the green Bible?
Awakened at Gilead
The OFFICIAL answer given at Gilead was:
'Green is the color of life... grass, leaves, etc... so Knorr chose that color for his "life-giving" Bible....'
Hey, I'm not making this up... this is what we were told...
However, whether its true or not, I don't know or care.. but I don't think they chose greem cause it's a Satanic color... last time I looked at my emoticons, Satan is Red.
I think more likely that the Watchtower Corporation was looking at its bottom line, and got a good deal on post wartime overstocked green vinyl that no one else wanted... they have done that before, and will do it again...
I heard the same thing. Green must've been cheaper than black. Way prettier too----in a Satanic way.