The Luciferian Green Bible Cover of the NWO Translation

by Gill 52 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • blondie

    The WTS is financially driven. I just concluded that the WTS got a good deal on this coverstock partly because no one else would buy it. When I first visited the Monroe NY Assembly Hall, I figured it was decorated in the most obnoxious green and blue carpet and restroom fixtures because some "enterprising" brother got a deal.


  • Gill

    Blondie - Maybe, but I have never found them as 'simple' as that.

    They are layered in complexity and secrecy.

    A good deal in the price of ink is a possibility, but for an organization that supposedly disapproves and condemns numerology, they use a lot of loaded spiritual numerology ie 7 means this, and 10 means that , in their literature.

  • yknot

    Wonder why the Satanist didn't pick Dark Red, Royal Purple or Gold?

    Gill, when I was little the green bibles too were give aways we were JWs (but never heard about satanism), so we were "encouraged" to do FS with the KJ.

    Of course my JW "training" tells me to mention that the colors of the world originate from Jehovah (via Jesus) and Satan can 'borrow' any of them he likes.........(Yknot hears Satan ROFLing somewhere off in the distance at the concept that he cares about colors)

  • Gill

    Yknot! -

    I am sure, that Satan, if he exists, does not give a flying fart what colour he is represented with.

    However, it is people who celebrate these beliefs that are the problem....whether the beliefs are true, or correct.....or not!

  • sir82

    Yeah - that's it. Satanism. It had nothing to do with the huge bargain they got on god-awful green-colored vinyl, and everything to do with Satanic symbolism.

    With all the legitimate stuff there is to criticize the WTS on, why do people waste their time on silliness like this?

  • Gill

    Sir82 - Do you believe that an organization as fanatically control freaked out as the WT would simply cave in to cheap ink?

    This might happen with KH carpet, I agree......but the Bible?

    Can you explain their New World Order, and One World Government themes?

  • sir82
    Do you believe that an organization as fanatically control freaked out as the WT would simply cave in to cheap ink?

    This might happen with KH carpet, I agree......but the Bible?

    Yep. Heck, they even print the Bible in paperback now. It's horrifically cheap & tacky.

    Can you explain their New World Order, and One World Government themes?

    Ummm..."New World Order" doesn't appear in any of their literature. The theme of a "new order" and "one government" seems to be based on their (admittedly wacked-out) interpretations of selected, isolated scriptures.

    Not sure where you're going with this.

  • yknot

    I think we were still enjoying the 'rainbow' colors of Rutherford's era........ the bright colors sold a lot of books (esp before color TV)!

  • Gill

    Where am I going with this?

    Isn't that part of the adventure in 'finding out'?

    I don't know but I'll see where it all leads.

    I think many have seen links with the WT and mind control / brainwashing. They have early links with occult traditions, ie early WTs and their templar symbolism, 'the Tower' theory, Franz's ouija board dabblings etc...I'm sure you're aware of as many WT occult potential links.

    The fact that a Russell set up the WT Society and the Russells were responsible for Skull and Bones etc

    However, I dispute (gently ), that they never say New World Order.. I have memories of talks and reading about looking forward to the New World Order, but not the literature to search it I'm afraid.

  • blondie

    That's right, sir82, the WTS never uses the phrase "new world order" in reference to their own teachings since the governments have taken ownership of that phrase. The WTS have used "new world" or "new order" or "new system of things." When referring to "new world order" the WTS refers to governmental statements now.

    *** w05 6/1 p. 3 Whatever Happened to World Unity? ***"For the first time since World War II the international community is united. . . . The world can therefore seize this opportunity to fulfill the long-held promise of a new world order." SO SAID a president of the United States in the last decade of the 20th century
    *** w93 1/1 p. 19 par. 5 Shepherding With Our Grand Creator ***While politicians talk of uniting mankind through a new world order, the one Shepherd is actually uniting the sheep of all nations through a multilanguage witnessing campaign such as only God’s organization on earth could ever begin to undertake.

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