green bible even though she has been told several times by elders to get rid of it
Its still a bible written by WTBTS why would they tell her to get rid of it? Is it wrong..does it have errors?
by Gill 52 Replies latest watchtower scandals
green bible even though she has been told several times by elders to get rid of it
Its still a bible written by WTBTS why would they tell her to get rid of it? Is it wrong..does it have errors?
You should perhaps both start studying your occultic colours. Occult being 'hidden' is why you are not aware of the meaning of 'green'.
Red is the colour of 'sex'. Perhaps your devil emoticon is a bit horny?
Studies in the Scriptures was in green binding.
I believe that these were in Green and the very earliest dubbie bibles were in emerald green covers. Are you attempting to say that green was a cheap colour for 20 + years?
Green is the colour of life. Interesting that. The 'Green Man' .....and all that.
"Illuminati" has 10 letters.
"Lizard dude" has 10 letters.
"Green Bible" has 10 letters.
Coincidence? Or Satanic plot?
I'm just sayin'....
Sir82 - You are a true prophet!
Praise da lord, I see it!
Sounds like someone has been feeding him some Poo Poo.
The argument in this thread seems to be:
Premise 1: X can be a symbol for {a, b, c, d, ... infinity}
Premise 2: Group A uses X as a symbol for d
Premise 3: Group B uses X
Conclusion: Therefore, Group B uses X as a symbol for d
This is an error of affirming the consequent:
If a group is satanist, they would use GREEN to mean dThe Society uses GREEN
Therefore, the Society is satanist
Therefore, the Society uses GREEN to mean d
Leo, sorry, but that post is just too logical for this thread....
D'oh, you may be right!! A warning to anyone else wanting to make sense:
The problem with that reasoning is that a discussion of a potential possibility has turned into an argument over whether something is written in stone....or not. It clearly is not.
But when a possibility.....being possible becuase of the occultic history of the shot down simply for being a possibility then we are running into problems.
Everything starts as a premise or possibility.
If you read the first thread, I simply said that emerald green is a colour representing Lucifer.
This, in occultic circles is not argued.
Then, I said that we had discussed why the society had used a bizarre green colour for a bible which is traditionally black.
The possibility of cheap ink is also discussed.
But remains the colour it is and a possibility remains just that.....a possibility.
Anyone care to deny that the WT has links with occultic origins........go for it!
A mind cannot be open and closed at the same time.
Leo, you're over your head here with Gill. Just leave it alone, dear or your beautiful head will explode.