Going back to rainbow colours - Mind Control Masters use varied colours in their programming of victims.
Are 'colours' so innocent in all their uses?
by Gill 52 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Going back to rainbow colours - Mind Control Masters use varied colours in their programming of victims.
Are 'colours' so innocent in all their uses?
And 'New World....' hmmm, I suppose they never used that phrase either.
Bit strange that their most important book is the New World Translation. In the end it's only the 'New World' that we have to worry about.
Whether it's the 'political' sense or the 'religious sense' both are unacceptable to the common man and woman.
Both require mass elimination of humans.
Not pretty.
russell had some sort of understanding of the new age of aquarius when he referenced it in the watchtower.......
"When Uranus and Jupiter meet in the humane sign of Aquarius in 1914, the long-promised era will have made a fair start in the work of setting man free to work out his own salvation, and will insure the ultimate realization of dreams and ideals of all poets and sages in history." (Watchtower, May 1, 1903, pp. 130-131; p.3184 Reprints)
thing is...he jumped the gun a tad......he he
Ninja - The WTBTS seem very embarrassed to mention Russell, though the same can be said for Rutherford.
Russell was, by his writings (and those of his wife) obviously occult inspired in his thinking and therefore the whole base of WTBTS history is occult inspired. It meddled in New Age teachings, the beliefs of the Millenium Dawn teachings and potentially drew inspiration from Masonic, Templar, and esoteric belief structure.
I am not sure which of our brilliant JWD posters said this but has stuck......
Russell was the Raelians of his time...
Rutherford was about ruthless control and self indulgence. I think it made him feel less like a loser...... our little H.Ron Hubbard
Yknot - Good point! It is fascinating how these people with 'interesting' ideas get into such powerful positions.
If we are to judge the WT by the yard stick they claim to measure others by, ie their origins, they loathe the catholics because of their bloody history, the christmas tree and celebration, equally loathed because of its origins etc, but using their yard stick of origins being the true measure of a belief, the the WTBTS / Jehovah's Witnesses orgnaization is a corrupt, occult driven cult.
As many choose the cautious road of never knocking the WTBTS unless they have many witnesses to a claim, the origins of the WTBTS speak for themselves as to the Watchtower really is.
Those who claim any kind of Luciferian origins or beliefs in the WT forget that people find 'Satanism' and embarrassing belief and think those who even accept that such practices happen are mentally challenged or unwell. However, seriously wacked out beliefs have always held sway in the world, and even as Nazism decimated Europe during the second world war, people did not WANT to believe that atrocities could be taking place.
However, remember one thing, truly bad and evil practices such as murder and torture by their very nature are not done in full public view. Criminals do not like to be caught and therefore the meaning of the phrase 'dark acts.'
But these people like to communicate amongst themselves with many symbols that are openly seen by us all. In a way, they laugh at us all......those with simple minds who want to believe that 'nobody could do something that bad!' Hence the reason they get away with their deeds......because we need to believe that evil does not really exist.
And yet.....it does!
Evil can only be stopped if light is shed on it.
I thought green was good nowadays.
Minimus - Green is Good
But Green is also BAD.
Duality in symbolism in Luciferianism.
I know you were making a funny point, but still, interesting that duality exists even in this.
Yes, of course. And it's total BS too.
If you need it to be. I understand.