dont tease
Give me a reason not to have an affair/one night stand
by mtsgrad 125 Replies latest jw friends
Tired of the Hypocrisy
Since you are divorcing I am assuming there is no hope for you and the wife to reconcile. I have to agree with the first poster who said it could complicate things and have the court grant her more if she can convince them you behaved improperly. As a Christian I have to say that whether a JW or not, we are all responsible for whatever we do, and affairs are frowned upon by the Lord.
I hope things work out fair and square for you and that you find the truest of love and happiness.
I do believe it's good to wait for your divorce to be final. But I am most concerned about the one night stand thing. I am not saying you should stay celibate forever. I just wish you would think more carefully about this one night stand idea and the consequences. For now, if you have a few thousand dollars, buy yourself a Real Doll. There's a website for them and everything. No diseases and no fatherless kids might be worth the price tag.
OK, what kind of B.S. is this post anyway?
Here's some comments from mtsgrad's post a few days ago:
Is it possible to truly love your hubby, wife, partner, lover etc and still have an affair? Just curious
As many of you will know I just married Mary recently and love her more than life itself. But I travel a lot and that does bring certain opportunities. I have not done anything yet but who knows?
And then mtsgrad said at the top of this post:
I am extremely close to having an affair. Let me give you some details. Been married for 8 years Not had any relations for 7 Faded 3 years ago. In middle of getting divorced Please give me a reason not to have an affair. I will give serious consideration to all posts. Thanks mtsgrad
Well, which is it? Did you just get married recently and love your wife more than life itself or have you been married for 8 years in a sexless marriage and about to be divorced.
Here all of these people are taking you seriously.
Why don't you level with us all? Is this some sort of survey or research you're doing? Or didn't you get the approval you wanted in the last post and are trying to change the circumstances until you hear what you want?
Awakened at Gilead
Many rebound affairs aren't very healthy things. Sometimes you wind up using the other person who might be starting to get feelings for you and sympathy for your situation. This comment really hurt me. I would hate to think of myself just using another woman. My one/two/three night stand now feels so dirty. Whilst she is a consenting adult, there is a minute chance she wants a little more, unlikely but possible ( I am super attractive you see).
I was told the same thing by many posters... There is a difference between you and me, MTS... I made my decision to be with another person, but i didn't ask the forum "what should I do?". I did what I wished, and accepted the consequences (there have been no negative consequences). I wasn't interested in a 1 night stand tho, I wanted a LTR. Some posters told me to watch out for the rebound issue, and some thought I was immoral. But in the end, you should make your own decisions, and not depend on this forum to make them for you... I am still with my gf... it's only 4 months, but they have been some of the best 4 months of my life... I have no regrets. This thread seems like MTS is gonna decide by vote:
Hmm: [mts tallies the votes] Yes, have the affair = 8 votes No don't have it: = 6 votes Undecided = 3 votes [mts thinks he will do it]
My advice? Ignore us. Stop asking the forum what you should do. Make your own decisions in life. Start living.
Instead of contemplating an event that hasn't presented itself to you........
Why not go out for drinks after work with some mates and start establishing your single self first.....
One step at a time....... you can't plan and overthink everything.... but go ahead and have some protection handy in your walllet.
You might not be as ready as you expect emotionally and physically..(cough cough ..being compared to Jiffy Lube... cough cough)
Which do you think you want more...... new relationship or a one-night/weekend fling?
Not everyone has a rebound pattern (but most do).....
I just want both of yall to be happy, starting over has so many twists and turns.
If presented myself with your situation I would wait for finalization but probably be a well protected slut the following Friday..... Then being a girl I would beat myself up for a bit about being a slut..... meet a nice rebound, date him for a year or more and then 2 years later meet Mr. Next....
..... Lance is right...... (but don't forget to give us details thread once you make a decision...cuz were a nosy bunch......)
Your girl friend could have law suit droped on her by your existing wife that is if your wife is smart enough to retain an attorney. Some states have powerful laws about diddling around while being married it would give leverage to you existing wife. Heavens sake, just use Rosey and her five sisters, don't be a zipper head. If you have children stick it out and wait till they are eighteen years of age, and even then it hurts like hell for kids, most parents don't seem to give a dam how bad it makes their kids cry.
That's right--there is a small chance of getting AIDS. Put in perspective, you are more likely to get tuberculosis by going door to door for the Washtowel Slaveholdery.
If you are a "HE" and your affair-partner is a "SHE," I would advise "SHE" to NOT have an affair with YOU/"HE" until YOU/"HE" has that written divorce document, signed, sealed, delivered, in your hands.
Been there, done that, no fun -- for "SHE." -
Been there, done that, no fun -- for "SHE."
Tell him.