Since atheism merely is a conclusion one draws that god doesn't exist as he is taught, what do atheists do to fill the yearning we all have for meaning and purpose in life?
I consider myself an agnostic. I dont know which God I dont believe in or which God to believe in.
What I do to fill the yearning I have to find meaning in purpose in life is I read.
And I read about things addressing those topics.
I have a job where I can read about 5 hours a night.
And I am gathering quite a gnostic, esoteric library.
The simplest meaning and purpose of life I have found is to reproduce yourself.
Then from there life has the meaning you give it.
Everybook I have ever read has pros and cons. No matter what answers and explanations I have found
there are always a group of people explaing why it cant be so.
Every mystery rock I turn over just leads me to another mystery rock. It's like peeling an onion.
The past few months I have been reading about alien intervention, alien genetic engineering
and the Summerian text which more than one person alleges speaks of all of these things
with pictures at the begining of mans civilization.
But as I say, there are the naysayers. It's hard to tell if there are government disinformation agents
or genuine and all the research takes time.
Saying that I will say this there is a plethora of information on alein intervention and engineering, a
good primer is "The Gods of Eden" by William Bramely then Zechariah Sitchin has 7 books giving
his interpretations of the Summerian text and the bible which is contested by some.
But I dont see Sitchin working an angle and I see those contesting his findings trying to maintain
the status quo and keep people ignorant and sheep like.
Those 2 human qualities are the basis of civilization and government.