For the Atheists... I Need some Answers....

by AllTimeJeff 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • drwtsn32


    Bottom line: All I can claim is agnosticism--not enough evidence one way or the other, but a strong indication that god probably does not exist.

    I agree with what you're saying, but there can be both agnostic atheists and agnostic theists. The former simply has no belief in a higher power; the latter believes in a higher power but doesn't know what that is.

    You sound like an atheist to me. An agnostic atheist (which most atheists are). Very few atheists are strong atheists/gnostic atheists. See my first post in this thread for a more wordy response on this topic.

  • drwtsn32

    Weird, my post didn't show up.

    Edit: Oh, there it is. The option to go to the third page didn't appear until I made this second reply.

  • Spook

    It's been ages since I posted, but I liked the OP so much I just had to chime in.

    I would like to start a respectful conversation with anyone, but especially atheists, as to the benefits of ruling out with certainty the existence of a higher power or god.

    What has been most important to me, having truly valued some of the social aspects of being religioius and what I really miss about any kind of religioius system, was a feeling of solidarity or brotherhood. Let me tell you, the greatest reward of being an atheist is knowing that we are alone, and all we have is each other and the present moment. The primary personal benefit to actually ruling this out, in my opinion, is the ability to realistically asess the choices one has in life and to decide on real priorities.

    Further, when you recreate a strong social network, you regain the phsyiological benefits correlated to religion. And an attitude of being "connected" or at one with the cosmos in some way is certainly fully possible without gods. It actually makes more sense to feel *right* exactly how things are in that respect, since most religions have a component of "we don't belong here" going on.

  • dogon

    Fist off, to say that some good comes from religion to me is like saying that Hitler made the streets safe and trains run on time. Second, To be agnostic is to say we just do not know. I personaly am and atheist one day and could be agnostic the next. But the good religion has done in the world can never out weigh the horrible bad it has done. I do not believe in banning religion, although it would not hurt my feelings if it was done. The bible does not have any great revelations in morality than one good person could come up with in an Hour for a school project.

  • beksbks

    For years now, I've called myself "the next best thing to an atheist". If evidence presents itself I'm willing to consider it. I feel comfortable with the issue of my afterlife. I will be snuggled into a warm comfy bed, and the alarm will never go off.

    Why do we need an ultimate defining "purpose" exactly? I would think our main purpose is to survive. To enjoy our survival, that's a little more difficult. For me it's as Hamilcarr said, "the natural world". Interaction with other humans being the largest part of that. Curiosity is my driving force. I will never see, learn or experience all the things I would like to.

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