Beatles Fans

by watson 112 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dagney

    What a great thread. Thank you for all the youtubes.

    Leo, that is interesting about your mom. Did she keep the memoriabilia?

    I've been a Beatles fan since I was a little girl and sneaked out to buy Beatle Bubble Gum cards. Why oh why didn't I keep them!!! I think they didn't make the cut when my family went "need greating." **sigh**

    I went through crushes on all except poor Ringo. I didn't understand John when I was young, but really love him now. They all turned out just fine.

    Stupid POS religion.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I was like most other youngsters of my age that were saddened by their break up.

    The first record I ever owned was a 45 of Twist and Shout at the age of 7 and I'd tried to buy

    ever record by them as my parents allowed, which wasn't easy since my parents

    both hated them , my mother used to call that trots music ( diarrhea ) for all their shaking and jiving they did

    and the heavy beat.

    Today its an anomaly that two heavily talented writing geniuses like Lennon and McCartney would be in the same band

    together and its remarkable that were able to stay together for that length of time.

    Its been said that Yoko Ono was the cause of the bands break up and I believe there is some truth to that but

    in reality it was the inside personal diversity between Paul and John and his supporting side kick Yoko.

    They've reached such a pinnacle of success as a group together including financially the inevitability of them

    parting was more than likely.

    It was always the hope by my generation that they would get back together and create some of that astonishing good music

    but John's murder of course brought that hope to a sad end..

    Oh well at least they will forever be on You-Tube to bring back those fond memories of growing up with the Beatles..

  • SixofNine

    My god, Clam, that's teh most awesome thing I've ever seen on the internets. Seriously.

  • Leolaia

    Dagney....Yeah, my mom has some of her memorabilia -- I've seen some of the newsletters she did for the fan club, plus Beatles broshures and lyric books and what not. She also gave me some of the stuff from her own band, the Puffins, such as the demo recordings and lead sheets and publicity photos. Of course, it never went anywhere, but it is still a nice thing to have from your parents. I guess I should be glad that her mom kept her from getting the record contract -- she probably wouldn't have met my dad if she had been touring and I wouldn't have been born!

  • Finally-Free

    I'm the only person I know who never cared for the beatles.


  • Bubblie

    Here you are again. I thought I did something to this thread. Watson that is a wonderful clip with John singing "Lonely wanta die" and Clapton smiles looking like a beautiful baby. Even, Keith Richards looks good everyone so young. Leolaia I'm with you George was my fav. I loved guitar players. While My Guitar Gently Weeps best song by George. Hell, anything just about from the White Album. What are the words to the Savoy Truffle anyway? I am listening to my Ipod as I write. Wow, thanks for bringing them up, you all!

  • watson


    Did you know that Clapton played the lead in "While My Guitar Gently Weeps?" George is in there too, but Eric gets the credit. Brilliant song by George.


  • Bubblie

    No, I didn't know that. I used to know a lot of stuff like that but didn't know Bob Dylan gave them their first weed. That is too much. Yer Blues with John, wonder what he would be into now? We can only imagine!

  • leavingwt

    While My Guitar Gently Weeps. Ah, yes...

    Harrison tried for hours and hours to get the guitar to sound like it was crying. In frustration, he leaves the studio to go find the one guy that he KNOWS can do it. Clapton nails it, no problem. It's the only Beatles recording with Eric Clapton.

    Another tidbit...prior to the official EMI release of the Beatles "Anthology" CDs, the acoustic version of this song was THE most widely bootlegged Beatles tune.

  • Leolaia

    Talking about Clapton, I love the Yardbirds. I think I've got everything from them (every single scrap that's been recorded by them) -- Clapton, Beck, and Pagey, including a lot of stuff on vinyl. They were their best with Beck and Samwell-Smith, but I love the Jimmy Page stuff too.

    Other than that, the other sixties stuff I really dig include Chocolate Watch Band, Jefferson Airplane, Simon & Garfunkel, the Doors, and Santana.

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