Mary..There was no name calling in your last post to Reniaa............If she ignores your post it will have to be for another reason.....Like....."She has no rebuttal".....LOL!!
by wobble 389 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Mary..There was no name calling in your last post to Reniaa............If she ignores your post it will have to be for another reason.....Like....."She has no rebuttal".....LOL!!
BizzyBee..I love your post,but I have to correct you on one detail.."It is the WTS and JWs (one in the same)".................The truth is they are 2 different entities.....The WBT$ is the organization that runs the Religion,"The Jehovah`s Witness`s .......The Jehovah`s Witness`s are the religion that takes orders from the organization,The" WBT$ ".............In Watchtower World :Jehovah`s Witness`s=Religion...................The WBT$=Mediator between God and man..With the exception of the 144,000..
It is the WTS and JWs (one in the same)".................The truth is they are 2 different entities.....The WBT$ is the
organization that runs the Religion,"The Jehovah`s Witness`s .......The Jehovah`s Witness`s are the religion that takes orders from
organization,The" WBT$ ".............In Watchtower World :Jehovah`s Witness`s=Religion...................The WBT$=Mediator between God and
man..With the exception of the 144,000..
Well, now we are splitting hairs, and it is the fault of the WTS that they are unclear about this, but here is my take:
Jehovah's Witnesses are the rank and file, but also the public face of this religion. They believe without question what is dispensed by the publishing company, the WTB&TS and their writing department. The Governing Body are the 16+/-some old farts who actually dictate doctrine, policy and practices for the JWs, filtered through their legal department, and have authority over JWs and the WTS. Technically, these entities are interchangeable.
Oompa..Your hilarious!..LOL!!................Purps..You are so artistic and creative in your posts..Very cool..............................BizzyBee.."Well, now we are splitting hairs, and it is the fault of the WTS that they are unclear about this"..The WBT$ ,is all about spitting hairs!!..And..The WBT$ is very clear about this matter....... Technically, these entities are interchangeable...Please note BizzyBee..The WBT$ and the Jehovah`s Witness`s are not interchangeable!!.......There is a hiearcy in place!!.....Ignore that fact.....And..You admit you know nothing about the religion or the organization that run`s it!..................................................................................We are all here on JWN to Learn.....I am Gratefull for this Forum....And..The people who make me think about,what I have to say..
mary, bizzybee are you saying the people that work inside the magazine offices and the gb don't have to abide by the jehovah witness doctrines? so will gb be allowed to fornicate freely then etc that rules are only applied to rank and file?
Most religions have donation based faith depending on size can run into billions most use it to some degree to keep the Religion running and on top of that do the following.... catholics established a city have a bejeweled pope and high pay for their clergy etc pope himself has private jets a palace etc, many high profile preachers enjoy the fruits of the donated money, having expensive cars and manor houses. some faiths are sincere and see charity work as the main bible direction and so most of the donated funds get plowed into that, Jw's/wts (whichever you call it) see evangelising and helping members as the main bible focus and so the money gets plowed into printing magazines to encourage and relief in disaster areas for brothers and sisters which may also include other people in the area.
I've noticed a trend to say labels against Jws on this forum that do not take account of the facts using the label as some kind of black mark, so they are a multi-billion dollar religion etc so what? many large faiths are it goes with the territory! Jesus himself had to deal with donated funds probs from generous healed people. It's the usage they should be judged by as I said above the witnesses are commited to their preaching work and it shows.
Can I say for the record if we are going to use a fact that is something applicable to all christian faiths like funding/moneyI will not just narrowly focus on Jw's to create a false impression some seem to be doing on here.
All christianity was established by Jesus and it's the fact divisions got created because people believed a 'lie/delusion' that we have so much choice now. Jws were not even around when all these divisions were started they are a symtom too and as I've said before I use the bible to judge these differing religions and doctrines on, it's the only standard we have, Jw's for me have the most bible honesty in what they preach and that is what I base my choice on, not if they sing a good song or preach a good sermon. I do not fall into the trap of saying Jws are wrong so the others must be right.
If leadership is an issue then there are not many faiths that will be acceptable since all have leaders in some form, if money is the issue then all take donations, if too strict on morality is an issue well on this you may find some lenient ones more to your taste. If applying bible principle is an issue aka smoking there are some that only apply what is written and do not go down Jesus's principle route. If preaching work is the issue well some do but many don't.
If you are going to say Jw's are bad for 'such and such' please use something unique to them not a factor of all christianity otherwise I reserve the right to say as much as I did with money etc.
reniaa, you did not reply to my post
nor replied to me :-(
We have asked what made them unique in 1919 when Jesus chose them. Care to answer that in your own words?
forget 1919 Reniaa - if you can circumvent the mental gymnastics required to defend an authoritarian belief system that deminds 'unity at all costs' whilst you simultaneously pick and chooose which of their beliefs you accept....
Reniaa, what you miss the fact that the WTS, in it's publications that become the source of doctrine for JWs, paints itself is a being better than all other religions.
So, when I point out that the WTS is a billion dollar publishing corporation, yes, I do use that as a criticism of them, and here's why.
While many other religions are wealthy and own massive amounts of land, JWs are the only religion, as far as I'm aware, who very publicly condemn these religions for their perceived wealth.
For example, in studying the Revelation..Climax book, JWs are indoctrinated to believe that the Catholic church is part of Babylon the Great and one of the identifiers is the wealth and property it possesses. However, the writers of this book patently ignore the fact that the WTS - the legal entity of the religion Jehovah's Witnesses - has huge wealth, land and buildings...worldwide.
You also state;
If you are going to say Jw's are bad for 'such and such' please use something unique to them not a factor of all christianity otherwise I reserve the right to say as much as I did with money etc.
OK, this is unique to JWs; they insist that unscriptural (i.e. it can't be proved or even remotely hinted at via the Bible) teachings like 1919 be unquestioningly believe or else you are cut off from your family and friends and condemned to eternal destruction.
That makes JWs bad. (Actually, it makes the people who decide these teachings bad.)
So, while having wealth doesn't make JWs unique, what makes having wealth "bad" is that they use the wealth of other religions to condemn them.