besty :
We have asked what made them unique in 1919 when Jesus chose them. Care to answer that in your own words?
I thought you had accepted the point that oompa continually made that the insistence on accepting true teachings of the Bible that are unique to Jehovah's Witnesses referred to 'present truth' and not any unique belief held in 1919. I firmly believe that the great majority of JWs accept their faith as the truth because they believe that it is more in harmony with the Bible and the early Christian congregation than other faiths. Many a Witness, including elders, have said to me that if there were another faith more in harmony with the Bible and the early Christian congregation they would change in an instant. This does not sound to me like people who are adhereing to a faith because something happened in 1919.
Please show me which of my posts,where I said Jehovah`s Witness`s are not a Relgion?..
..The WBT$ is supposed to be "Gods Sole Channel".....Not Jehovah`s Witness`s.....
Whether or not you like what reniaa writes, the posting guidelines not to use insulting language still apply. I think your dog is quite ashamed of you. The Watchtower Society is not supposed to be "God's Sole Channel", even in the sense you mean it. The Watchtower Society is a publishing company, it is a legal entity to publish Bibles and Bible literature. If it was dissolved tomorrow that would not require God to choose another channel. The channel is the Faithful & Discreet Slave which is made up of those "anointed" who remain on the earth. In principle, as long as any of these "anointed" remain on the earth the Faithful & Discreet Slave remains. You may not accept that understanding of Jesus' parable but that is how JWs understand it.
The WBT$ claims to be the mediator between God and man
Why do you continue to repeat this when I have already addressed it ? If you really believe that then provide a reference where they do so.