So Far, How Do You Think President Obama's Doing?

by minimus 167 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks

    I think he's doing incredibly well for the hell he's been left with. Actually, with each passing day I am more impressed. I think the man may be a genius.

  • truthsetsonefree

    Very good. I just hope he doesn't develop arrogance on this package. No one can say anything with absolute certainty.


  • beksbks

    truthsetsonefree, did you happen to hear his town hall meeting today? Good stuff. And apparently unlike either Reagan or GWB in that they did not over rehearse or set up the questions from the audience.

  • watson

    Not sure how he is doing. I am a little concerned about how the government is doing.

  • minimus

    We're in a mess!

  • Priest73

    I think he's the awesomest. I should be receiving my rainbow sh*tting unicorn any day now. Henrietta just got hers! She named it Jim Humphrey!

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    America is very lucky to have a man at this time with his intellect, honesty and real earnest to make the country a better place .

    Especially considering what has been handed on his plate at the very start of his presidency.

    Its almost to a point it of unbelievability.

    What divisive difference from the last president of the US.

  • BurnTheShips

    He came to my area yesterday.

  • quietlyleaving


    We're in a mess!

    so are we

  • BurnTheShips
    Krugman on the compromise stimulus package:

    BRINK LINDSEY ON Paul Krugman’s Nostalgianomics. “The political economy of the early postwar decades, while it generated impressive results under the peculiar conditions of the time, is totally unsuited to serve as a model for 21st-century policymakers. And as to the social attitudes and values that undergirded that political economy, it is frankly astonishing that self-described progressives could find them attractive.”

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