How Would You Handle A Teen Who's A Pothead & Drunk In Your Home?

by minimus 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover
    he is destructive. Punches holes in walls, vandalized cars and threatens to hit people.

    He definitely needs counseling and maybe that could help.

    But If he's ever violent to his mother then the rules change even more. If he ever attacks her, he needs to be taken out of the home. Son or no, no one should be subjected to abuse and if he's showing this at this age, consider what could happen if he was allowed to continue in this course and he hits late teens early 20s, living at home, no job, and no one to this point dealt with his issues.

    There is no easy answer and no easy solution. Everyone who has to deal with this boy will have a challenge but if he resorts to violence against his mother, she'll need protecting first and foremost.

  • purplesofa

    I doubt seriously he cared if I was disappointed, or If I dropped off the face of the earth,

    I think it scared him.

    I did a thread about this some time back,

    He was really fortunate to have people that genuinely took an interest in him.

    A bailbonds man that I used to bail him out of jail once, sat down and talked to him about his direction in LIFE.

    He even came to the house and talked to him a few times. My son was reluctant but respectful.

    Plus the lady that hired him to work for the city, really was in my sons corner. She believed in something about him.

    Kids gotta have people that believe in them even when they are real assholes.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I'm with Outlaw, too. He may be stealing his stuff from his mom.

  • undercover

    I don't like the boot camp thing either. I'm more in favor of real life. Break the rules in real life (drug possession, vandalism, possible assault) you get arrested and you go to jail. If he continues to break these laws then let him get taken down. While he's cooling his heels in jail, arrange for him to get counseling.

  • purplesofa

    Well, if he is running away and all that stuff, he will get in trouble with the law.

    And there will be consequences, and sometimes that is not a bad thing.

    They will make sure he gets help of some sort.

    I do not know how I survived the teenage years of my kids, five of them.

    I am still recovering and my youngest is 21.


  • tenyearsafter

    Seriously Min, there are programs out there that incorporate the discipline of boot camp and counseling sessions for specific issues such as substance abuse. As a cop, I have seen numerous kids go out of control...many outgrow it, but some are just wired wrong. There is no one good answer, but I have seen some good results from the boot camp/counseling model. If he is a runner, he needs to be in a lockdown facility or he will be in the wind. Rehab might help, but truly rebellious kids will usually "escape" after a day or two in an unsecured treatment center.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Violent? He needs intervention fast.

  • minimus

    His mom doesn't smoke and has resorted to hiding all alcohol in her trunk!

  • purplesofa

    I wonder is he missing school?

    Grades down?

    There is an alternative school here for kids that are always in trouble and don't fit in mainstream.

    It's not just for bad kids, not fitting in for other reasons, you can be put in this school.

    This opens the door for him to be put in other programs, and he can see his grades get better.

    I had to hide liquor too, well I just quit buying it, and I got lots of money stolen from me.

    He would take the car without asking, I finally got smart and hid the keys from him, but not smart enough as

    he made a key for himself, then the car would just disappear!!!

    I have forgotten what hell this kid put me through!!!


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Why would I have a drunk pothead teen in my home?

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