How Would You Handle A Teen Who's A Pothead & Drunk In Your Home?

by minimus 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    Well, there are those too, and those I am not sympathetic towards. I can be a softie but not a pushover.

  • minimus

    Still, he's not evil. But an excon that I know said about him, "He needs to go to jail, get blanked up the ass, and then MAYBE, he'll change."

  • purplesofa


    That probably would give him a different perspective on things for sure!!!!

    unless he grew to like it!!!

  • dinah
    Still, he's not evil. But an excon that I know said about him, "He needs to go to jail, get blanked up the ass, and then MAYBE, he'll change."

    Yeah that would fix him! Jesus on a cracker!

  • purplesofa

    The story six posted is really pathetic and so very sad, I hope that boy gets all he needs to recover.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    If I had a pothead teen in the house, I would more than likely kick him out. I would not pay him any attention as long as he wanted to make an ass of himself. I would make clear that he could return if he got his act together and quit breaking the law, but I would also make clear that he would get no attention from me as long as he was persistent in acting an ass. Teens are a little big to be forcing them to do anything. However, by continuing to provide room and board for them when they exhibit egregious behaviour, one is tacitly enabling that behaviour. That's my $.02.

  • purplesofa

    You know JD, the problem with that is, as long as that teen is a minor, the parent is responsible for what he does.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    You know JD, the problem with that is, as long as that teen is a minor, the parent is responsible for what he does.

    Yes, but that's not a good excuse for enabling behaviour, imo. What's more, those who aren't 18 are tried as adults routinely.

  • DJK

    Purps is right. These days parents are being held accountable for their childrens actions. This mother should do something that is recorded permanantly somewhere. It might be her best defense when she claims she tried to get help for her son.

  • StAnn

    The thing this mother needs to realize is that, if she doesn't get her son some serious help, it's highly likely that Children's Services will declare him incorrigible, remove him from her home, and put him in foster care or a juvenile detention facility. If she wants to have any say about the kind of treatment this young man receives, she's going to have to suck it up and do something about it now. She is his mother. This is her job. I know it is extremely draining (I have boys, too) but if she doesn't heavily intervene now, they may both be paying for it for the rest of their lives.

    My ex-husband got into drugs and his folks "let" him leave home at age 15. Eventually he stopped the drugs and straightened up~but not before he had a hefty case of Hepatitis C, which almost killed him. And he has numerous other health problems as a result of the abuse he gave his body when he was young. His parents just couldn't cope and wouldn't do anything about his conduct either and now he's in his 50's and has the body of a 70 year-old man.



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