Witness 007 returns to wife and meetings..I give up! Sorry no choice!

by Witness 007 52 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • daniel-p

    I beileve there are concession two people can make to each other when there are unequal spiritual needs; however, I also think that such concessions can only be in the form of support.

  • happpyexjw

    South Central, I hope you will reconsider. I raised three daughters in the wts. The eldest rebelled at age 15 and plunged into a lifestyle that caused both of us much pain and grief. She eventually pulled out of it, and interestingly, she found religion again as a woman in her 30s and made significant changes in her life as a result. I made my exit and divorce when the other two girls were in their teens and while it was difficult and confusing for them, the eventually made their own choices to leave despite enormous family pressure from witness relatives. All are doing very well and living full, rich, productive lives.

    I was one of six kids, all raised in the wts. I was the only who stayed "faithful" until age 40. The others had many problems which I believe were exacerbated by the wts. They all got into varying degrees of trouble, including drugs, alcoholism and mental illness. The unrealistic expectations, the shame and guilt ploys are all things that young people, who are already struggling to grow up can do without.

    My point is, you can raise your kids with structure, loving discipline and care without the destructive, controlling, dangerous influence of the wts. You owe it to your kids to spare them the added burden of this religion will place on them. Some of us on the this forum are still trying to heal after many years away from this organization. I regret ever exposing my kids to it.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life


    Your children need a parent that is honest with them and true to themselves in addition to love and a feeling of being accepted and appreciated for who they are.

    There are many, many other religions and churches that you could take your children to if you feel that is important. Most other churches have youth programs and youth ministers that help to raise your children in the right way.

    Your children do NOT need a parent that just "accepts the lies". No child deserves this.

    The last thing any child needs is the negative, guilt-inducing environment of the JWs. There is no love there.

    I am astonished at your post. Look at yourself in the mirror. Are you proud of yourself? Is there any reason your children should respect you?

    Take it from someone that was raised "in the truth". It destroys young people and it destroys families.

    There is a whole world out there of nice people and nice churches. Get to know some of them and protect your children from the JWs.

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