....millions of Jehovah's Witnesses also change theirs. Instantly.
And when the Governing Body changes its mind...
by passwordprotected 45 Replies latest jw friends
Blithe Freshman
When the Gibbering Bottie changes its mind all the other Witless Dubs change theirs NOT LESS than 6 months later.
This is how long the steaming piles of life-giving truth take to get into the hands of the Gofors.
The GB voted on vaccines (so Nathan Homo Knorr could get them and not die of tropical diseases on his world tour) Months after it was announced.
Ditto with blood fractions organ transplants and any number of potentially life threatening issues.
Tell me - After the GB voted to allow organ transplants, how many died refusing them in the months before the Witchtower told them it was okay?
How many died of polio AFTER they voted to allow vaccinations? (After congress made certain vaccinations compulsory - "The Society cannot be held liable for the legal cosequences of conscientious refusal." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!)
How many hemophiliacs died before they saw in the WT that clotting factors are okay?
How many died refusing kidney dialysis?
They have persuaded people to give up their only life for shifting sand.
And if they don't, they are not going to remain in good standing as witlesses for very long.
heh heh !
Choices ! yeah, choosing to be robots
space cow boy
Choices. There are only Two.
There he is! I was looking for my barrel racing partner.