And when the Governing Body changes its mind...

by passwordprotected 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82
    there is NOBODY on this site that has enough credibility for me to want to follow them instead

    I seriously doubt anyone on this site wants you to "follow them instead".

    You seem to have fallen for the fallacy propagated by the WT writers that "apostates" are really just prideful and covetous and jealous of the attention given to "Christ's brothers" and want that attention for themselves.

    It is possible to point out logical fallacies and inconsistencies in an argument without necessarily presenting a better explanation.

    If you were in a movie theater, and someone noticed the building was on fire and pulled the alarm, would you have cause for complaint if he didn't give you a list of other theaters and starting times for the movie you were in the middle of?

  • passwordprotected

    there is NOBODY on this site that has enough credibility for me to want to follow them instead

    Lovin' the strawman.

    Who said this;

    I am the way, the truth and the life?

    Once you can identify the person who said it, perhaps you should look to them and consider following them.

  • shamus100

    there is NOBODY on this site that has enough credibility for me to want to follow them instead

    Hi LL,

    I don't want you following anyone here either. You are a big boy or girl - you can make up your own mind on things. That's not what this site is about anyways. Besides, this is not the place for any replacement to your religion.

    Make your own decisions and live your life happy.

    Take care.

  • longlineryder

    WTS Apology??????? WTF????? ..... I am just looking at the stuff some of which has been posted here by people who, in all likelihood, are otherwise inteeligent, sane and otherwise normal human beings..... and I am pointing out the more or less obvious.....

    I have a question for all of you who have posted in response to my last post..... which CHRISTIAN (as contrasted to pre Christian) Biblical character are YOU modelling your way of life after?..... and I am NOT referring to those who were opposers either..... (I.E>King Herod, Pontius Pilate, Alexander The Coppersmith etc).......


    You know, if you want to go your own way and NOT follow, ...... YOU HAVE THAT RIGHT!!!!!!!!!! ...... and if you are wrong, ....... well.... it'll cost yuh.... I guess ..... hope that you are right huh???????? the deal seems to be though..... follow the Bible and ALL of what it teaches..... and you are gonna be right!!!!!!!!!!!

    Again, Take Care All

    LL Ryder

  • SPAZnik

    They have persuaded people to give up their only life for shifting sand.

    Wow, HB, I LOVE that line.

  • SPAZnik

    About the "imperfect men" argument.

    Couldn't ANY religion use the same argument to excuse their flaws and atrocities?
    They are, after all, run by "imperfect" men as well.

  • passwordprotected

    LL Ryder, what are you talking about "It'll cost ya"? It'll cost ya what?

    Do you have any biblical verses that prove not following the Governing Body will cost you?

  • Amha·’aret

    LL Ryder,

    A lot of us were where you are now. I'd politely suggest you sit back a while. Read and listen. Question things, including what you yourself say. Be open minded. Start at the beginning and ask whether you can trust the source of the information you are getting. This includes, but is by no means limited to, the GB. Coroberate what you hear and do your own studying. That's the only way to figure out the wheat from the chaff, to coin a phrase.

    All the best to you,


  • longlineryder

    Hey passwordprotected......

    I have a few questions for you..... re costing you..... have you ever made stock market investments?..... accepted a job offer out of several?...... bet on a horse?.... taken an alternate road that looked shorter on a map?....etc......

    You make the wrong choice...... you lose money...... the great sounding job turns into a horror show...... you lose the bet on the horse..... you lose time on a road trip...... like I say.... it'll cost yuh.....

    and that is ALL I said...... followed by....... I GUESS ........ now, if I only guess what do you think the answer might be to your guestion about my having Biblical answers to whether or not following the governing body will cost yuh?.......

    You know, what I see is a LOT of opinionating on this site....... opinions are just that...... they are NOT fact...... and well...... any opinionating that I do is generally in the form of a question or followed or prefaced with something like I guess..... and a guess is just that...... a guess..... definitely NOT NECESSARILY (although a correct one could later prove to be) fact

    Seems to me like ...... I am DARING to disagree with several of you here..... hmmm......... but isn't that what this is all about?..... several of you disagree with the WTBTS and its official teachings..... and I disagree with you..... does that make several of you right?...... and then by extension, me wrong?........ is it all about only one of me and several of you so the majority is deemed to be correct?...... if so, I got news for you.... if any of us are correct and it has any value at all, I would say being correct plus a buck and a half will almost get you a large coffee somewhere....

    I stand by what I say tho'...... being wrong costs yuh...... exactly what it costs ou tho'...... I am not in a position speculate on......

    And to Am...... I am in the position I am due to my "invoking the Borean Clause"........ I question alot ........ I examine the scriptures daily to make sure the things I am being taught are in fact so........ apparently making me, in a sense, a noble minded person........ and to my way of looking at it, opinionating goes on at the highest levels in the WTBTS as well as at all other levels..... it is what I have railed about for years..... but, I also stand by something I alluded to in an earlier post....... In a figurative sense, I have, at times been told that I will have to drink human blood and eat human flesh.... shocking sounding?....... yes !!!!!!........ I protest and disagree....... yet I await clarification

    anyway, take care all

    LL Ryder

  • chickpea

    quite the.... discussion

    i just wanted to say
    that video was hilarious
    in its representation of
    the original premise of
    the thread......

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